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Of the everlasting covenant and promise, of salvation unto life everlasting, by sanctification, of having the everlasting law, written on our hearts and minds, by everlasting grace (by the everlasting triune God), through faith.
Grace being both atonement for repented sins, by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the everlasting Son of God, and power to overcome the man of the flesh and be born again, by the power of triune God (Father, Son and Holy spirit). ,.......
Earlier in June/July:
Everlasting promise, of sanctification. To overcome the man of sin, the beast. our old self. 666. In a deeper, fuller understanding. Who walk according to the old law and covenant. Walking according to the flesh, by sight. Having it replaced by the new, mature, everlasting law of God and Christ, written on our hearts and minds, by grace (forgiveness for sins and spiritual power from the everlasting Holy spirit) through faith in Christ. Hence the law of Christ (his righteousness,) by faith. = to walk by faith. our new, mature self. From Adam (law and spirit of the flesh. Man of sin and of this old earth/world). 666. To receive Christ (the law by faith by the power of the holy spirit = grace). King, master and High priest of an everlasting order, heaven and this earth made new. Being created anew and made righteous by sanctification. The fuller baptism of water and fire, by the father, the son, and the power of the holy ghost. = the process of sanctification. The fuller baptism. In the power of the holy triune god: 777. To overcome the first man, and sealed by 777, or else become branded spiritually with the number 666. And receive the new, by baptism of water and fire = sanctification by the triune God. Created/Sanctified anew in the image of God. By imputed righteousness and power to be adapted to the society in heaven and the new earth. Under the new, eternal law, covenant and order of Christ. From earthly man, to man divine. Not in our own power, but by the power of God.
(Notice that this do not teach that we become God. The saints will receive glorified human bodies, and they will never become as great as God. But sons and daughters of God, adopted into the society of heaven. Still in the category of creation, not the creator)
We go from having a character (heart/mind) filled with a limited, immature, old, earthly/worldly, unrighteous version of love, joy, justice. To receive an unlimited, everlasting, mature, righteous version of love, joy, justice and so on. Which comes by faith in the divine, in God and Christ, by the word and the power of the holy spirit.
From Old, immature earth, covenant, law, man, kingdom = shadows and darkness. Immature of fallen Christian.
To New, mature, everlasting earth, covenant, law, man, kingdom = light. Mature, sanctified Christian.
Hebrews 8:10. 1 Corinthians chapter 15. 1. Corinthians chapter 2. Romans chapter 8. Hebrews chapter 5-12. Spiritual sacrifices. How and with what God will test our hearts on is a bit individual. At the same time, we know that the seventh-day Sabbath is the main test of the last Christian church. The great test for the last generations. In addition, there are other individual tests. What God requires also depends on how far we have advanced in the sanctification. He also demands more from some than from others. If we have received much light, He demands more. This is because he is righteous. "To whom much is given, much will be required" -Luke 12:48.
If we receive His character and law, then we would want to sacrifice the self and this "world" for Him and want to share Him and His saving truths with humanity. It is the fruit of being sanctified by Him, by His spirit.
So the answer in short is that offering up spiritual sacrifices, (of what represent the law and spirit of the flesh/self/world, also with regard to main priority, to receive more of that which represent God and His law and order. If and when God ask it of us, is the fruit of sanctification. To go from the old to the new man, from the old, immature to the new, mature law and covenant. Fruit of righteousness, of having the law of God written on our hearts and minds, by grace (forgiveness for repented trespasses and spiritual power from the holy spirit) through faith. So the faith of Jesus, is to keep God's commandments according to the New, mature law and covenant. This means to receive a fuller measure of the spirit of God. From immaturity to maturity in Christ. From old, earthly birth of the flesh, to new, heavenly birth of the spirit. "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." - Revelation 14:12, See earlier articles for more in depth study on these subjects, on this same blog. Click here to go to the main page. Or continue to one more in depth article on The Old vs the New law, covenant and order". Justification by faith. Righteousness by faith.
Justification is the same as sanctification. Same as the path of the righteous. The straight and narrow path. Sanctification from old, immature law, covenant and order, to new, mature law, covenant and order.
The 7th Day Sabbath is the sign of Christ (or rather the triune God) as the creator and sanctifier. Sanctification is to create and transform us from old (fleshly and worldly, and walking by sight) to new (born of the spirit of God, and walking by faith). From earthly to heavenly. From the image of 666 to the image of 777. Revelation 22:11:
Douay-Rheims Bible
He that hurteth, let him hurt still: and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is *just*, let him be justified still: and he that is holy, let him be sanctified still.
English Revised Version
He that is unrighteous, let him do unrighteousness still: and he that is filthy, let him be made filthy still: and he that is *righteous*, let him do righteousness still: and he that is holy, let him be made holy still.
EVERLASTING covenant and gospel.
Everlasting is the same as divine, heavenly, the mature, the fuller, the spiritual, the inner, the deeper, the new. Christ the high priest of the everlasting (new, mature, fuller, higher, deeper, spiritual, heavenly, divine) law, covenant, sanctuary (kingdom), order.
The shift started at the crucifixion.
The old, earthly, literal, immature law, covenant, sanctuary (kingdom), order was never good enough to redeem anyone. It was temporal and transitionary. Now, after light arrived, it is the fallen, the shadow of the more glorious kingdom. The kingdom of God and Christ.
While the old, the earthly, temporal, physical, literal, represent the kingdom of the fallen, the lord of the shadows, the limited, of traditions, of this world only. While Christ is lord over BOTH. But the spiritual represent more the kingdom of God, the creator. (Greatest commandment nr 1). While the physical, literal is secondary, representing creation (the second of the great commandments, nr.2) . 20.7.2021
Satan is lord over only the physical (the CREATED), apparent, literal (the kingdom of this world). = The old, immature law, covenant, order. = the law of the LETTER It is evil *if* it stands alone, or is made priority nr.1. While it is not evil if you put the spiritual, inner, deeper, that of faith, first. = The kingdom of God/Christ (the CREATOR). And the physical, the created second. The new, mature law, covenant, order = SPIRIT/ FAITH. Sunday is a mark of worship for the created (mankind) first. Putting the second great commandment first. Hence a mark of the beast. 7th Day Sabbath: the seal of allegiance to God/Christ, the creator FIRST, for the last generations, the 144 000. But, notice, that you can still receive the mark of the beast, by not overcoming the law and spirit of the beast, of man, of self of this world, of Babylon. You still retain the image of the beast (666), by not receiving the image of God/Christ (777). The entire law according to the new, full, everlasting, mature law, covenant and order. The law of Christ. The law by faith. The everlasting gospel. The everlasting law. The triune God as creator and sanctifier, by grace through faith. It is about ALLEGIANCE. Meaning you must be willing to sacrifice this literal, earthly, physical kingdom and put God (the spiritual, inner, deeper) FIRST.
We see the promise of the new, the everlasting law, covenant and order, also in the Old Testament. They received the promise of a future Messiah who would take away the sins of the world. Hence they looked forward to it, but they were still under the old law, covenant and order, since it was not birthed (made complete) until the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.
They had an earthly temple/sanctuary (the weight of the gold in the temple of Solomon : The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents.."
1 Kings Chapter 8: 1
I believe this verse is a reference indicating that the temple Solomon built was a physical, earthly sanctuary/temple. Representing the old, immature law and covenant.
What else was typical for the old law and covenant?
Sacrificing animals, focus on types, figures, the ceremonial, the external, physical.
This could not save them, only remind them of the fulfilment of the new, eternal law, covenant and order of Jesus Christ as High priest. ( Savior: Antitypical lamb and master/sanctifier).
So both old and new Jerusalem (people of God) are alle saved under the new, mature, everlasting covenant. The order and kingdom of Jesus Christ.
From law on stone to law by faith. From earthly to heavenly. From outer, shallower to inner and deeper. From letter to spirit. From walking by sight, to walking by faith.
Image of God = The moral image = The moral character of having the law of God written on the heart and mind, by grace through faith, which is the sanctification by God and His spirit. The sanctified human. Salvation = Sanctification = Restoration in the image of God takes place in this order:
1. Moral, inner image (character).
The law and spirit of God written on our hearts and minds.
2. External image (the physical body).
Even if we are to be responsible and take care of our bodies and try to live healthy, the latter does not happen until the second advent of Jesus Christ.
Seal of God = Seal of God = Seal of victory of receiving the Image of God. The 7th Day Sabbath for the last generations on earth, the 144 000, after the truth of the Sabbath has been revealed to them. Identify God as the Creator of heaven and earth, and the sanctifier who sanctify/recreate them from the old order of the Unholy trinity (666) to the new order of the Holy triune God (777).
The moral character of God, His moral image is the foundation of His kingdom and government. The seal signify allegiance to the Lord of the new, everlasting, spiritual order/kingdom. The image of the beast = The moral image = character of the beast. Encompasses humanity that is significantly filled with the law and spirit of the world / flesh / self. The unsactified human.
(Example here of a character trait from the beast, which is the law and spirit of the world / self / flesh, is to mix coercion in connection with love. One of God's principles is that love is free and chosen. Therefore force in connection with God's law of divine love will be a Babylonian, that is, a fallen law and order.
Mark of the beast =
A mark that means failure, of not being sanctified/recreated in the image of God.
Neither inner nor outer restoration in the image of God.
Also Sunday observance after they have been informed about the truth and/ or give in due to coercion/strong pressure from mankind (human laws). It will be a mark / seal that represents those who in the last generations, after light has been revealed, choose to obey creation (man/traditions) rather than the Creator, God. But choose traditions and the limited, immature truth, with the consequence that they remain under the banner of the old, immature, now fallen, law, covenant and order (666). The old earth / kingdom. They choose to stay behind and not advance forward and accept the mature truth, and choose such as as a consequence disloyalty to the highest, eternal order (the kingdom of God), and thus rejects the loyalty to the highest, eternal God. Old law, covenant and order: - Earthly temple/kingdom. Blood of beasts. Circumcision in the flesh. Walking by sight, by the apparent. The law of the letter (legalism). Focus on the physical, external, apparent, shallower. Filled with the law and spirit of the flesh/ world/ self/ beast. The natural, unsanctified human.
New, mature, everlasting law, covenant and order:
- Spiritual temple/kingdom. Blood from God (the Son of God, Jesus Christ). Law of the spirit, written on the heart and mind. Inner, deeper, the unseen. Filled with the law and spirit of God. Walking by faith. The sanctified human.
Hebrews chapter 5-12. 2. Cor 3. Galatians 3. Galatians 4. 2. Cor 5:7

Read "From 666 to 777. Part 1"
Entire series "From 666 - 777. Sanctified in the Image of God."