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The Two sides of the Cross. & The Two-fold purpose of Grace.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 4. apr. 2022

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The everlasting promise of the everlasting gospel of redemption for sinful mankind.

By the cross, by the fire (holy spirit) and the word.

By the cross: The two sides of the cross. The two-fold purpose of grace. 1. For our repented transgressions/sins it required a cross, a holy sacrifice by the Creator (both Father and Son) for the sake of creation.

2. We have to take up our cross and follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ. For our recreation from unsanctified to sanctified humans by receiving the divine nature by choosing and enduring the path of the cross, of crucifying the moral character of self and this world, in order to receive the moral character/image of God. Of divine, everlasting, higher love, joy, wisdom, peace and justice. By grace, through faith.

We must die to self and this world, bury the old man/woman that possesses to some degree the moral character, the law and spirit of the unholy trinity (666), or the law and spirit of self/this world, in order for the new man/woman to be birthed, to be resurrected by the power of the triune God (777). From the old law and order to the new, everlasting law and order. From old earth to new earth. This is to receive the righteousness of Christ, the moral character of the Son of God, which is the same as the moral character of the Father (both Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one in heart and mind = moral character). This is righteousness by faith. We receive it by grace (both pardon for repented sins through the atonement of Jesus Christ, and spiritual power by the Holy spirit) through faith.

Hence we can advance from the law and order of the letter to the law and order of the spirit.

To pass through the fire and to crucify the law and spirit of self and this world is the same thing.

In order to not get destroyed when you pass through the fire, you must first be purified in the fire unto redemption. Meaning to accept the testing and trials and learn from them, learn to hate sin and its law and spirit. Bury the old man/woman. Welcome and receive the law and spirit of God, His moral character and image. This is the new birth. From sons and daughters of Adam to sons and daughters if God. This process is impossible in our own power, and can only happen by the power of the triune God. By choosing and walking the path of the cross which is the life long, fuller baptism of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the sanctification from old earth to new earth (heaven). The fact that the kingdom of God came near to humankind, to this earth, means that it come near to those who are willing to receive the spirit of God, to receive the word of God and the way of Christ, of the cross. The word, the spirit and the cross is needed in order to be saved, in its fullest sense. Redemption without the sacrifice of the Creator, God to creation. Only relying on a form of sanctification without the blood of Christ, is spiritualism, it is the religion of Satan, of Antichrist. Denying the death, burial and resurrection and the very sacrifice of God for His creation. Denying and rejecting love divine, denying the power and work of the holy spirit, denying the everlasting covenant, denying the everlasting gospel, denying the son of God and His righteousness. However, redemption without taking up one's own cross and choosing the way of the cross is also a false gospel of the Antichrist, as it is a very one-sided, limited version of the complete, everlasting gospel. Another strategy of Satan to lure people into sin and to his side, is to have hatred and unforgiveness even to those who have repented and grieved their sin.

This sin will automatically leave one on the side of the FALSE CHRIST (Satan), who now has received so much power in these last days (Rev 13:13) that he imagine he is god and will win this battle against the true Christ.. He come with his ways and counterfeits, his idea of justice and try to lure you over to his side. While the same time he try to make you hate God and His true ways and government. That is why we must learn to know God's true ways, and the two sides of the cross in the story of our redemption. Just because your criminal record is flawless, does not mean you have not committed a crime and even treason against the higher government of God. Everyone has committed a crime against the most High God, and most have also committed treason at this point. And worst, many go completely unrepented and still think they serve the Lord. Every single human being has sinned, fallen short and deserve death penalty. No single person is exempt from this judgment, except by taking and enduring the true and complete way of Christ, from fallen sinful human nature to sanctified human beings by receiving the moral character of the triune God. - The lord of the old, immature, fallen law, covenant and order, can represent one side of the cross, but not both simultaneously.

Side 1 of the cross

“One sided, or cheap grace” is to only rely on one side of the cross, the atonement by Christ for our transgressions, and think they can be saved with a sinful, unsanctified human nature/character. Common belief among immature or fallen Christianity, particularly the left side (liberals).

Side 2 of the cross

Only relying on a type of sanctification, while rejecting the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and hence the atonement for transgressions. Common in Islam, Buddhism, Spiritualism, Judaism and fallen Christianity.

The true, pure Jesus Christ represent both simultaneously.

The fallen, Babylonian version of Christ or God can represent either or, but not both.

Notice: I do not condemn people here, as individuals can be saved by living up to the light that was made available to them. This concern doctrines. God alone is the only who will finally judge, as in condemn or pardon each individual. When it states that human beings will participate in the judging, including of angels, it is still God who will make the final decision.

Christ is soon at the door and we must do all in our power now to get ready before the bridegroom comes for His church on earth. Entire series: "Salvation/ Sanctification"


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