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The Golden Image of the king of Babylon in Daniel 3. A deeper interpretation.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 4. feb. 2022

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Read Daniel chapter 3.

King of Babylon, Nebudchadnezzar, set up a statue of himself in gold, and ask people to worship this idol.

Look first at the interpretations of Daniel 2 and Revelation 18. See also 1. Corinthians 3.

Here we see the kingdom of the world and Babylon = those who refuse to advance on the straight way of the cross of Christ, from the old law/covenant (the law of the letter/flesh), their old, immature, unsanctified human nature, crossing over to the new, everlasting law and covenant (the law of the spirit, of faith) and receive the new, sanctified human character, in Christ. This is the Image of Christ/God .

The old, unsanctified character is the kingdom of the world and Babylon (see article on the kingdom of hearts). They build on the lower, the temporal, on sand, the kingdom of the Beast and Babylon, not on the everlasting rock, Jesus Christ. This is SELF righteousness, not the righteousness of Christ.

So we see, building on gold (silver, precious metals...) is linked to building on the temporal, on sand. ( See 1. Cor 3. Building a statue of himSELF (self righteousness). That is, the character, the law and the spirit of the self / world / the unholy human being. This is also the same as the unholy trinity: the dragon, the beast and the false prophet (666). Which is also the Image of the beast. The old/ lower/immature law, doctrine, wisdom, love, peace, joy, justice and so on.

We also see the three jews, a type for spiritual Israel (which encompass both jews and gentiles) representing the people of God, who refuse to bow down to this idol, and is being thrown into a very hot furnace of fire. But because they have received Christ, and built their house (their hearts and minds) on the everlasting rock, meaning the new /everlasting/higher/mature, they survive the fiery trials.


I hope you clicked on the other three articles I linked to in this article, as they are quite vital in order to comprehend the whole picture here.


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