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The Great controversy is between the righteousness of Christ vs. the world/self.

Oppdatert: 15. des. 2021

The Great controversy is between the righteousness of Christ vs. the world/self. Between those who lean on the righteousness Christ vs. those who lean on the righteousness of the flesh (self righteousness) for salvation. That include the versions of wisdom, love, justice, joy of the world or the immature versions of truth among Christians (traditions). See this article: True vs. Wordly versions of wisdom, joy, love, sorrow. But also those who rely on physical energies (physical health), and those who lean on the righteousness of Christ. They walk by sight, by the flesh, by the old law, covenant and order. And those who lean on the grace of God through faith for salvation (that is spiritual power from the holy spirit- this is the righteousness of Christ). And walk by faith, by the spirit of God (grace). They are under the new, mature law, covenant and order.

Ellen White says the health message is not even a part of the 3 angel's message, which I am glad she says or else she would have been a false prophet, a prophet in the same way as Alice Bailey and Madame Blavatsky. That is a prophet of Baal. Who by the way has a close to identical health message as the Adventist with heavy focus on plant based food, exercise, fresh air, proper sleep, temperance, hygiene and what not. We should care for our health and bodies, but not to make it the leading theme, when it is not even a part of the everlasting gospel or the three angel's messages.

We are not to overemphasize the physical kingdom, the physical flesh. That is the kingdom of Satan who is god only over the physical, the temporal. While God is God over both the physical, but more so the spiritual and everlasting. (Matthew 10:28). We are to seek the spiritual kingdom of God, first. And make that first priority. QUOTE BY ELLEN G. WHITE:

"THE HEALTH REFORM is CLOSELY CONNECTED with the work of the THIRD MESSAGE, yet it is NOT THE MESSAGE. Our preachers should teach the health reform, yet they SHOULD NOT MAKE IT THE LEADING THEME IN THE PLACE OF THE MESSAGE. Its place is among those subjects which set forth the preparatory work to meet the events brought to view by the message; among these it is prominent...."


Romans 14:17

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."

Ephesians 2:8-9

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast." 2.Corinthians 4:16-18

"Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." Ephesians 3:16-17 "I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith."

1 Timothy 4:7-8

"Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

Philippians 3:3

"For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh."

Romans 2:28-29

"A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God."

2. Cor 5:12

"We are not recommending ourselves to you again but are giving you a reason to be proud of us, so that you can answer those who are proud of outward things rather than inward character."

2. Cor 12:7-9

"Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me.Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me,

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." It can not be a part of the 3 angel's message or the true everlasting gospel, as she rightly says, or else she would have been a false prophet, yes. We are saved by grace alone through faith.

Grace is spiritual power from the holy spirit, and has nothing to do with physical food or physical exercise. The latter is a teaching very prevalent among spiritualists which we are called to expose. They rely on higher energies and higher vibrations = strong physical health for the false Christ's counterfeit "heaven". This is works of the flesh, and in accordance with the old, fallen law and order.

Christs new, everlasting order has grace alone through faith as the only method in which to be saved.

That does not mean, again, that we are to neglect a healthy diet and the health message. As you know I am close to vegan myself and preach and practice the health message. But I do not make it the leading theme, in place of the message. The last was a direct quote by Ellen White. Meaning we should not overfocus on it. The physical is of a temporary value, not everlasting.

It is not by works of the flesh we are saved, then it is a given that God would not make Christians overfocus on the physical kingdom, the physical flesh. Hence it would of course not be the core of the last great controversy in terms of those representing the true remnant. If it was it is the same message that come from Spiritualism who say it is about physical health and energies (higher vibrations). That means it is the agenda of those who are on the side of Spiritualism and the false Christ, Satan.

This 'to make it a leading theme and to have such a huge focus on it in terms of salvation, is an abomination in the sight of the everlasting Lord who's kingdom is not of this world.. There is Godly knowledge and Godly wisdom inspired by God/Christ (as opposed to the counterfit wisdom and teachings, inspired with the spirit of the world/Satan in various ways, who always end up in some ways, while containing some or many truths or close counterfits to the genuine. Of being too extreme and unbalanced and irrational in some areas, wrong emphasis (like over emphasis on the physical rather than the spiritual, like the JWs), theories that fails at explaining the matter properly and many times end up as foolishness. Applying wisdom and reason with God’s word and spirit, and avoiding a very unbalanced and extremist mindset (which is not God’s way at all) either way and with these principles, is God’s way and methods.

"Come now let US reason together, says the Lord" - Isaiah 1:18

God is pro reason and life. So do what is least damaging to the health. "Every human being, created in the image of God, is endowed with a power akin to that of the Creator - individuality, power to think and to do. It is the work of true education to develop this power, to train the youth to be thinkers, and not mere reflectors of other men's thought." -EGW


"directly from Medieval Latin pharmacia, from Greek pharmakeia "a healing or harmful MEDICINE, a healing or poisonous HERB;"

Those who use the argument that it refers to witchcraft/sorcery, what did the sorcerers and witches then use to make these potions and also their medicine? Was it not HERBS? Does that mean you are against also all forms of herbal or natural medicine?

The Spiriualists/modern spiritualism (new age) and the counterfit temporance movement are also heavily into natural medicine, alternative medicine, they promote veganism and herbal medication, and are often against the use of prescription medication.

Also when you attack all forms of prescription medication, do you know that most doctor offices preach much of the health message that are close to the adventist health message? In most industrial countries they have large posters hanging on the wall of dangers against tobacco, alcohol and recommend a healthy lifestyle and are often very hesitant to prescribe medication.

As for HERBAL medicine vs prescription medication. We must look and carefully analyse in each case, individually, (we are individually responsible). Both Herbal and prescription medication can have side effects and some bad side effects. Many herbal medication can give bad liver damage. And TOBACCO, that was prescribed in Ellen White's days by doctors, that she spoke very much against for its very poisonous effects (and righly so), was that categorized as a natural or syntetic medicine? And what about alcohol? It is fermented wine and also natural. Yet poisonous and produce inflammation, it does not reduce inflammation. The Bible verse from 1 Samuel 15:23 was written over 3,000 years ago. The Bible verse from Revelation 18:23, which are referred to in the connection of trying to label the modern medical industry and medication to witchcraft, was written around the year 70, that is, about 2000 years ago. In other words, it is completely pointless to use this as if it had anything to do with the modern pharmaceutical industry. How much synthetic medicine was available at that time?

CAFFEINE, that she adviced not to be used as an everyday drink, but could be used as medicine (She herself used it sometimes as medicine: Ellen White wrote in 1882 "as I stated, during my sickness—for a medicine—I drank a cup of coffee, very strong, with a raw egg broken into it.—Letter 20, 1882".

I know some of my closest would not be alive were it not for prescription medication. So while we are not to use prescription medication irresponsibly, we are not to use natural medicine irresponsibly either. We need to carefully study, analyze and make wise decisions, individually, based on the current condition and circumstance. It would be easy if everything was black or white, but the truth is not found in the extreme and fanatical as Ellen White says. And what is medicine to one is a poison for another, she says. And we are not to make one narrow rule to fit all, or to become the conscience of other.

There are strong forces out there against all of the drugs that are called "Big Pharma", this is mostly non sensical. Most doctors are very cautious and much more than before when prescribing medication. Theosophy (Luciferianism) and Jehovah's Witnesses in particular are very extreme when it comes to medication, blood transfusions (JW) and vaccines. All of these came up around 1844 as "counterfits of the genuine", and you will often find that where they become extreme, the prophet of God sails out with the voice of reason (if you interpret it correctly based on time and context). People believe that everyone in the "truther" movement has honest intentions and is only looking to catch the big wolf. Many socalled "truthers" (David Icke, Alex Jones, Anonymous / Occupy etc) are simultaneously leading you in a path that is not of God, but another demon god. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow the advice of Ellen White, to get involved and educate yourself about the cause behind illnesses and different treatment and use a good dose of common sense when making choice about any remedy. And always try to pick the least harmful/damaging whether we speak of vaccinations, herbal or prescription medication or other treatments.

Did Ellen White say we should never under any circumstance call for a doctor or administer medicine? No. Her attitude was that we should try natural remedies first, and not call the doctor immediately for all types of conditions. illnesses, infections etc. and if they are not effective, then we should head to the doctor and take medication if needed. And believe me, I am a person who hate going to the doctor's office and hospital stays. I have been criticized more for not running to the doctor when I am sick than the other way around. I also hate to take prescription drugs and I have almost never taken any flu vaccines, yet a flu has made me long-term sick several times. Several in my family and closest have taken fly-shots many times, and none of them has gotten sick from it. And it also depends on your immune system, which again has to do with vital force. While the 8 health keys are of much benefit, we simply can not eat our way to 20 times increased vital force and the same health and strength as our first human parents. Then we would be able to live until about 1000 years of age and grow into more than 3,5 meter stature. Truth is that many would be dead without the use of medications. And note I am not at all saying we should not try to strengthen our immune system. All I am saying is that we live in the age where we as Ellen White says, have about 20 times less vital force (strength) than our first parents. Ellen G. White: "Adam at his creation…endowed with twenty times as much vital force as men now have" -Conflict and courage And note how Cain who had almost perfect genes, still managed to murder his own brother, even if he had perfect genetic makeup and 20 times more vital force and strength than the healthiest person living in this day and age. Their height of 3,5-4 meter tells us much about the difference between the healthiest person living today and right after the fall, when the genetic makeup was almost uncorrupted. While it is easier when you are physically and strong and we should do our best to live healthy and gain health. God can still give us spiritual power to conquer spiritually. The mind and heart, the only "house" that will remain and not rotten, if you have built it on the everlasting rock and endured unto the end, to let God finish the building process. (1. Cor 3). The warnings against damaging our health has been to prevent too much corruption in the genes. In the OT we see how God need to warn people to the extreme, because He knew there would be many generations to follow (for thousands of years). In Ellen White's days, people and her son included, died from a flu and the condition and understanding of diseases and protecting health (including doctors) was extremely lacking. Now we are probably in the last generations. Focusing on the physical health is everywhere the last decade or so, from Dr. OZ to Jamie Oliver, to Oprah, Rick Warren and numerous others, to adventists. The whole world is concerned and occupied with the health message which is similar, but not the exact same and also with two different spirits leading it (coming from two camps: both Christ and the false Christ/Lucifer/Satan/the spirit of the world. And while, again, we are to do our best to protect our health, we are at a great risk of becoming pharasaical in this regard and end up with horrible prejudices and judgments, based on the physical temple, not the spiritual. Very dangerous.


Again, it turns out that Ellen White was a lot more rational and reasonable than what some wrongfully claim (that is to not balance what she wrote and only use a quote that may seem extreme and irrational, if it is not balanced by other quotes. Same happens when you misinterpret the Bible. So these grave errors happens when you read any inspired writings because of a wrong motive, because of prejudices, because of hatred (wanting someone lost), clinging to sins out of lust only, or because you choose popularity out of fear of becoming unpopular. All alien to a God of love and is to Him. SPIRITUAL UNCLEANLINESS. You can shower twice a day and put on new clean, white clothes every day, and still be spiritually unclean and have a rotten heart full of hatred and prejudice (even if you want millions saved, you still have hatred/a spirit of blind condemnation fueled by FEAR for just one human, it is enough to get blinded with prejudice on at least one vital area.

This is perfectly in line with what I have said concerning use of medication for certain conditions and illnesses. That we may try natural remedies, but if they have no effect and you have even tried several times, for a condition that is serious or could have serious consequences by refusing to take medication. Serious implications and consequences by not taking natural or pharmaceutical medication that is effective. You find people using some quotes by Ellen White in an unbalanced way in many areas, so she end up looking like she was irrational rather than soundminded. Same happens when people misquote the Bible. I have talked about this and given many examples of this before. You see how this is done also by misapplying bible verses. People with a very unbalanced mind, or people with prejudices can, if they take bible verses, or quotes from Ellen White out of context, and not balance the quotes with other quotes, and read into it what their unbalanced mindset, leacking reason and common sense/prejudiced mindset etc, desires. The Sanctifictaion process is not to become more and more extreme and unbalanced, but to become more and more sensible and soundminded, in the eyes of the Lord who is a God of rationality. "Come let us reason together says the Lord of Host". A rational mind and faith in Christ go hand in hand. It does not oppose each other. We have faith in a rational, sensible, balanced loving, caring God, full of wisdom. But notice that this rationality differ oftentimes from that of the world, unless it the subject at hand revolve around this physical kingdom only.


(see link below) "Medicines and Surgery Not a Denial of Faith" Ellen White wrote in 1888, "Drug medication, as it is generally practiced (back in her time), is a curse." On the other hand, in a letter to personnel at St. Helena Sanitarium, she said that drugs may not be as dangerous if "WISELY ADMINISTERED."

She recognized that there are times and circumstances when it is justifiable and indeed necessary to employ medications, even those known to be poisonous, although she condemned the indiscriminate, careless use of drugs. This is substantiated by a note from the compilers of Selected Messages, Book 2, commenting on Mrs. White's approval of surgery:

"Before major surgery, the entire body is saturated with a powerful and, in a sense, harmful drug [the anesthetic], to the point of complete unconsciousness and to complete insensibility. By the same token, after surgical procedures, the physician may find it necessary to administer [pain killers] that almost certainly include drugs to give relief and prevent the patient from lapsing, from sheer pain, into a state of surgical shock and, in some instances, possible death."

Regarding surgery, Mrs. White wrote, "It is our privilege to use every God-appointed means in correspondence with our faith, and then trust in God,... If there is need of a surgical operation, and the physician is willing to undertake the case, it is not a denial of faith to have the operation performed."

It is apparent from these statements that Mrs. White's attitude reflected a great deal of common sense. It would seem unreasonable to assume that her warnings against poisonous drugs could be an indictment against all drugs for all time. Most of the drugs in use during her time are recognized today as poisons: arsenic, strychnine, opium, heroin, calomel, prussic acid, lunar caustic, antimony, and mercury. She said of these drugs, "We can with safety discard the concoctions which man has used in the past." Commenting on this, the compilers of Selected Messages, Book 2, noted in 1958, "It is an interesting fact that as a result of twentieth century medical research, physicians have largely discarded most of the medications in common use at the time referred to in this statement." "Mrs. White nowhere states, in discussing such simple medications, that other and more effective medications might not later be found." FULL ARTICLE FROM LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY here. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE GOOD OLD SANITARIUMS?


I believe in a holistic approach, and many doctors who use this approach usually try natural therapies and herbal medicine, vitamins and minerals etc BEFORE attempting to prescription medication. Many medications are actually based on the natural, but are transformed into being able to be more easily absorbed or able to cross the blood-brain barrier. So most of these doctors use the principle of what causes least harm and most healing benefits to the health. But even here we need to use our God given discernment and analyze everything properly. There are many factors to keep in mind.

It is up to each individual, but to me it is clear that God would not want someone to end up dead or suffer serious health implications by refusing medication, or blood transfusion or surgery. This is in fact crucial to get right, because it speak volumes about the character of God. And going to extremes which can do a lot more harm and even cause death, by stubbornly refuse to administer medication or surgeries or blood transfusion, ruin for us, our families, society and also the character of God and ours. We need to understand also and learn from all the counterfeit movements rising up around 1844, where Satan created all these close counterfeit to the genuine, and not end up being deceived by them by choosing another spirit, that do not represent the true Christ. Truth is ever expanding and is revealed gradually. And while Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, the fuller truths was veiled more or less. But we are to receive the light that is obtainable TODAY, if you can hear His voice, as everything He present, including learning to make wise choices, and not end up severely ill or dead because we became too extreme and had an unhealthy and unwise overfocus (emphasis on overfocus, not focus) on all the shadows, and stuck to a time with greater darkness as we are now in a day and age with great light.

The true Christ represent divine love, and the new light will reveal Him as more loving, not the other way around, but after His standards, not the standards of the spirit of the world, of all the close counterfeits we see today, not after Blavatsky and Bailey, who also had a very similar health message to that of us Adventists. Not after the traditions, not after the apostate Christ, where Satan comes in and try to steal His throne and crown by sitting in the temple, shewing himself to be God. In stead we must as Ellen G. White says, search for the deeper truths, receive new light, and seeking Christ and His true image. We must be careful to not reject the light of today and stick to and old version where the beauty of His character was still concealed (which then become an apostate god), else we end up worshipping a false God and wandering after the beast ourselves.

I hope I made it clear what I say and what I do not say. Usually people end up thinking or claiming I said something other than I did. Or misinterpreting my messages.

1. I did not say that I do not believe in the more literal interpretation of the beast and the image of the beast, even though I believe they are limited and that the 3 angel's messsages is an advancing message. As Ellen White says, we are to search for the deeper, and spiritual truths. And I see the danger of being stuck in a limited truth and only targeting the pope and other Christians, when there are so much error and false doctrines that has crept into the adventist camp and embraced by many. Simply that of being tuck in a limited truth, will eventually become in the category “fallen”, especially if you do not embrace the fuller light in addition. She also say that the sabbath will be preached more FULLY, in the beginning of the great tribulation. What does more fully mean? More fully, more complete: more profound, deeper and more spiritual. Truth is ever expanding and we are to look for the hidden truths, as if we search for silver or gold. The last was an advice coming from Ellen White. Ellen White also says that the 3 Angel’s message will advance and that when the advanced truth comes, many adventists who believe the traditional message, will oppose it.

2. I did not say prescription medication should be substituted for a healthy lifestyle or herbal medications and natural remedies. I said we are ideally to try this first and we are to continue with a healthy lifestyle and natural remedies, EVEN if we sometimes need prescription medicine if the condition is of such a nature or severe enough.

3. I did not say that everything the Luciferian camp or Jehovas witness teaches is wrong. I say, in some aspects it definitely is, and where they end up in an extreme and unhealthy direction, the spirit of God represent as seen in the writings of Ellen White if interpreted correctly, the sane and sensible and wise approach and solution.

4. I PREFER NATURAL REMEDIES MYSELF FIRST AND FOREMOST. I have usually stayed away from flu vaccines myself, even when very sick, while several of my closest has not. They have as far as I know never experienced bad side effects from regular flu shorts. If this new vaccine is different, we need to take wise decisions based on facts. I have written much about many natural remedies, and how they have greatly benefited me many times, and recently in here. And that I benefit often more from these than medication. Even if I have not noticed great improvement on the more popular in this day and age remedy (veganism). Yet I still stick to a vegetarian diet and take Magnesium, Coq10, Iron, Vegan Omega 3, vitamin D, B-12, multivitamins. and taurin. I also cut out a medication I have used for a while, in June 2020. I am myself critical to everything, and do not blindly trust in anything or anyone. But I do not resort to calling them Jesuits because they happen to disagree. Made that huge mistake myself in the past. Mostly this is all a spiritual battle, which is highly advanced. I also know now that we also battle against spirits (spiritual demons, which are often prejudices, in ourselves and others as Ellen White rightly says, that function like mind control spells so we can not rightly discern the factual matter and what is from God vs the spirit of the world. It is stupidity to drop the health message, but it is also stupidity to not update it to the time we are living in and also go back and read what Ellen White really said. Instead of trusting in some extremist ministries. Some extremist minsitries who teaches we will become superhumans who can withstand all viruses, bacteria, tics, all cancer, all stressors and diseases of any kind etc due to green smoothies) ,promoting a health message that is more in line with Satan's and Hitlers prophet: Blavatsky and not the sane approach of God's prophet, Ellen White. Ellen White herself got sick for 4 weeks during a flu pandemic in the late 1800's, after having preched and practice the health message for several decades. She was also very sick and bedridden for 11 months continually due to simply humidity in and around the house during her trip to Australia aorun 1890. This was also after having preached and practiced the health message for many years. And she focused on the spiritual miracle of managing to work for God despite her illness (meaning God allowed her to get very sick for a year, without her losing the holy spirit who give spiritual power, not physical power. So she could manage to write 2000 + pages that are in her published writings, and diaries of her health state and dealing during that time as well. "In health and in sickness, God still uses them..." -Ellen G. White Ironically those who are so obsessed with this physical vaccine and virus to the point it overshadows the time and devotion they invest on spiritual, deeper subjects, as well as believing one will be lost if one is injected with this vaccine, could very well mean that you are under witchcraft. You are so obsessed about the physical kingdom that you are under the spell of the prince of it. That is why it is important to have a lesser focus and value on the physical, temporal, and a main focus and value on the spiritual deeper. Or else you operate by works of the flesh, not of faith. You are then as a puppet, controlled by the false Christ, Satan, who encourages the very same teachings when you peel off the outer layers of the onion, who is lord of the physical and temporal order. Not under the rule of the true Christ, of the higher, everlasting order. Read: Witchcraft/magic of this world. How to escape. Connection of "ye are the temple" with WISDOM Reason from the perspective of the world vs. that of God Entire series: "The Kingdom of God vs. The Kingdom of this World"


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