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The greatest of all abominations?

Oppdatert: 8. feb. 2022

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I believe this is in the category of one of the greatest abomination in these last days, to judge the kingdom that God is building in our innermost temple (heart and mind = character), by the use of Satan's close counterfeit religion of Spiritualism or Worldly wisdom and science. That is to try to conquer the house built on the everlasting rock (the higher) by the house/kingdom built on sand (the lesser, the temporal).

1. By attacking or judging the soul, the character (heart/mind) with the use of "shallow colors" in the science of aura-reading. (Spiritualism). While God penetrate and go far beyond these shallower ways and methods. See my article on how Satan is trying to reverse the victory Christ won. And the article:

"True vs. Counterfeit Colors". 2. By using the Psychology of this world to attack/judge the same. See also my article on Jungian Psychology. 3. By the science of measuring neurotransmitters to judge our spiritual state. All of these are used in the attempt at CHARACTER MURDER or character assasination, even if those who engage in them do not see it as such, and may even think they are performing a benevolent work. But we know that Satan and those who are under his law and spirit, will present themselves as a benefactor of the human race, but deep down, he/they are waging a war against the true Christ who represent the advanced 3 Angel’s messages and the fuller, higher, deeper truth for these end times.

All of these I believe are the worst of an abomination to God and what constitute the core issues of the GREAT CONTROVERSY BETWEEN THE COUNTERFEIT CHRIST, (SATAN or 666) and his/their “advanced” sciences (not that they are advanced compared to Gods’ , but that Satan has advanced his science and religion greatly in these days and received much power, which he has never had previously) VS. CHRIST and His advanced TRUTH, in these last days.

"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." John 7:24

1. Cor 2 and 3.

“He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

2 Tess 2:4

Keep in mind that Ellen White also states that God allow His servants to be tested to the uttermost in the last days. And this is in the very category of severe tests of faith.

And that the Loud cry message will help them to be able to stand, and pass these fiery trials and tests of character.

Remember again how Hitler and the Nazis judged both the Jews and their own people: it was after the external, more superficial things like race, nation, genes, gender, status, health status. All which constitutes to walk and judge according to the old, immature (lower), fallen law, covenant and order. This is in the category self righteousness, not according to the righteousness and standard of the Highest Lord, the lord of the New, mature, everlasting law, covenant and order, the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Notice that much of the science of the world, can be good in its proper place.For instance aura reading is a real science, measuring neurotransmitters is a real science, in the sense they can actually read your physical energy state. This is true. But problem is that they use the physical energy state to judge the spiritual state. Judging the higher, holier, with the lower, unholy. = An abomination to the Highest God, who is lord of a spiritual kingdom.

This was also the great sin and battle of Lucifer when he fell from his high position in heaven. This was his great pride. ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION

-to love /worship (having a main priority/focus on the LOWER (law and order) over the HIGHER (law and order). = to put 666 over 777.

This also include to judge the Higher by the Lower. Whether we speak of law, wisdom, love, justice, peace, joy.

And to bring this into the sacred temple of God = the heart/mind of the Christian.This include also to walk and judge another’s sacred temple (most holy place), the kingdom within, the spiritual, by the lower, physical.

One very good, relevant example:

The over-focus on the literal vaccine in order to fight the literal virus, is often at the expense of the focus on the spiritual vaccine to fight the spiritual virus. This in itself is a great spiritual virus and now a great spiritual pandemic = a sin and an abomination. Make sure to also read part 8 in the series: "Identifying the Image, seal and mark of God VS. the Beast", called: "The abominaton of desolation and the Mark of the beast in a wider sense"


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