Left side of the heart :
Old covenant. Represent main commandment 2. Love for Physical kingdom. Creation.
Right side of heart:
-represent main commandment 1. Love for, creator. Spiritual kingdom.
Entire heart:
New, mature law.
1. Love for Creator. Spiritual. Inner. Deeper. Unseen.
2. Love for Creation. Physical. Literal. Law on stone. External/shallower. Seen/ apparant.
Crucify an obsession, worship, first love for the old order. = creation, physical, literal first. Hence crucifying 666. By The cross. The sanctification of the 777: The holy trinity.
Christ's way, the gospel, who at the cross opened up the walls of seperation between the left and the right side of the heart.
The curtain that seperated mankind, creation from getting access to Him, the Creator: the divine.
The 7th day sabbath is a symbol that signify the connection of the two sides: creation with the Creator. To a FULL HEART, NOT A DIVIDED HEART.
The spirit of this world will always try to come in and build walls to seperate us, creation from our creator.
The messages on VVV seem to gather the essence of truth in many religions, so we are progressively left with mainly truth, rather than uniting in error like the pope's coexist agenda.