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The Higher School of Christ

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 13. okt. 2021

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(Please use Google translator if you have a difficult time understanding the English language, It should be sufficient in order to comprehend the message). All sin comes from the spirit that is not of God. In other words: it does not come from the holy spirit, but from the spirit of the father of sin: Satan. It must be removed at the root by sanctification, in the path of righteousness. This purification process happens gradually if we cooperate with God and advance. Nor must we be too quick to resort to a more superficial, pharisaical understanding of the law and indulge too much in everything external, even though we might get tested in the minor affairs also, particularly during our immature phase. During this first stage, we need more rules and regulations and support from God, just like a child needs parental supervision. Then later, when we receive more of God’s education, more light and more grace from the holy spirit, and have been disciplined, we receive more freedom so we can operate and act more appropriately to situations, depending on time, seasons and circumstance, due to the education and experience we receive in God's sanctification. The tight leash are more loosened as God now knows He can entrust us with more freedom coming from a fuller measure of His spirit. We understand more, we love Him and His Law and character more. We understand and trust His way more, that it truly is a way that leadeth unto salvation from the bondage of sin. But to remain in darkness and refuse to grow up and not receive more light, thinking we are safer by not daring to test and try new light that come our way, sticking to our traditions, and rejecting light, is to reject Christ.

We must be gradually become changed and cleansed from the spirit of this world and sin. Then we must practice the new character trait we see is part of God, His law and His spirit.

Take * impartiality * as a good example of a trait from God that few recognizes as sin (Read James 2: 1, 8-10). When we understand that the Godhead or Triune God has this characteristic, then we want to be changed into the image of God. We want to receive this trait by the grace of God which is the undeserved power of God's holy spirit through faith in Jesus, as Savior and Lord, and what He represents (His law, spirit, character and image). And as we receive it and practice and value it, it will become part of our inner, spiritual nature. We then act from the spirit as Paul says, so that we want to keep God's law and commandments through faith and love for God first and our neighbor, second. Hence it willl gradually become a part of our new nature.

We all start our sanctification process as immature children, in darkness with a more superficial and literal understanding. Then as we mature and we receive an increased measure of the spirit of God, we will naturally dig deeper in the word.

“The spirit searches all things, even the depths of God” 1 Corinthians 2:10.

When we learn to look for and find and discern the deeper things, which are hidden like treasures in the word of God, we receive the richer and more spiritual things that require a fuller measure of the spirit.

This is only achieved when our hearts move more closely to the heart of Christ. It can not happen any other way. We truly must walk the walk, get educated in the school of Christ by His word, by testing and trials and experience and a close connection to Christ, and gradually advance in our sanctification in order to receive a fuller measure and mature. This is the race and path of righteousness that Paul speak of. But God has made this everlasting promise for everyone who genuinely seek Him and desire Him with all their heart. Those who obey His orders, His word, and cooperate, and not lose faith amid dire circumstance and trials, will gain the victory. Victory over the law and spirit of the flesh, of self, of the world. Of sin and the father of it.

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.» Phil 1:6

“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without sanctification no one will see the Lord.» Hebrews 12:14

Keep praying, keep digging, keep searching and keep meditating deeply upon His word, daily. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.“ And then witness when you find something valuable to share, because if you find a treasure, why would you want to keep it to yourselves? And never give in, because when you face trials, they are just there to discipline us and make us learn. We may not always understand then and there, but later on we will often see why god allowed the trials to happen.

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." - Hebrews 12:11

The school of Christ and His purification process of our hearts involve fiery trials. And it is not called the narrow way without a good reason. Every time we face challenges, we must run to the hill…the safest hill is “on a hill far away” to the “old rugged cross” An emblem of suffering and shame.”

We must take up our cross and follow Him, in His path. Our hearts must be centered in Christ, not to the left or to the right. The center is the heart of Christ and we must be fashioned into His image. By Him, His way, his Law, His teachings, His standards, His character, His spirit and His government.

What is one of the most tormenting things to us humans? What cuts deepest? Psychological torment and often group pressure. Because it is one of our basic, psychological needs, as we need to feel a sense of belonging, and it can hurt even more and leave deep, invisible scars. That is why this will often be used with best chance of success by our enemy of souls, and in addition it is invisible and untrackable. It also requires a strong faith in God and a strong character developed in the higher school of Christ, to not give in to peer-pressure. Including peer pressure in church, or even a group within the church. But we are called to always choose God first, if we love Him.

How strong is our faith? The last days might be very different than we imagined. But we are also blessed in the process as well.

It is by hope and through faith, by his grace, that we can endure until the very end. And I believe this very end is not far off.

And realize that even if we can not see Him, He is right beside us. And so are His holy angels who just wait to assist us, if we walk with noble and pure motives. “I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it someday for a crown.”

You will find more support of this in 1st and 2nd Corinthians, James 2, Hebrews chapters 8, 9, 10 to name a few. Entire series: "Salvation/ Sanctification"


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