The King Arthur attempt :
- to try to reverse the progress of God's/ Christ's truth for this time (present truth), and attacking and attempting to reverse the law of Christ.
Also to try to pollute and destroy the temple of God, which is His servants/ messengers. Both body, but more so their characters.
Mainly by false Christ's and people who choose or chose to not want or value the law and character, the kingdom of God.
Three swords in rock.
One representing the Son of God and man, Jesus Christ, hanging on the cross,which symbolize the shift from the Old to the New law, covenant and order.
Jesus Christ is lord of the New law, covenant and order.
The King Arthur attempt tried to pull that sword/ cross out of the rock.
By reversing the law of Christ, by reversing the order of priority. From 2. 1. Rather than 1.2.
Or rather deleting nr.1: with the worship of the Creator and that which represent His law and covenant: the spiritual, mature, innermost, deeper. Nr 2 represent love for Creation: the literal, the phydical, the immature, the lower, the shallower. The more advanced significance of the counterfeit Sabbath: Sunday:
- to go back from the new, mature, spiritual law, covenant and order- to the old, immature law and covenant. Same with character, wisdom, love, justice.
That is: what you value/love higher in the law of God/ Christ:
1. Cor 2. Read also: "The White House"