First a link to a guest article from a ministry I am not associated with, but who I think has one of the best interpretations in terms of the identification of the King of the north and the King of the South. This interpretation lie closest to the interpretations I have, and which have dawned on me gradually the last few years. Read the entire article first here. --- MY COMMENT:
Where I differ from this interpretation is mostly that I go a few steps further. I think The King of the North can be summed up broadly as the conservative, right-winged camp, and the King of the South as the Liberals, left winged camp (both in politics, but also in various churches, including the Seventh-Day Adventist church, which is probably the one church that experience the conflict between left liberals and right-conservatives more than any other church). While some may immediately agree with the King of the North interpretation, they might find the left/liberals harder to swallow. But if you study the left/liberals in the church, you will often see that they agree with secular humanism and political liberalism on a quite a few areas. For instance: They often support and fight for the Human rights movement that arose from the French Revolution, rather than fighting for the higher law and doctrine of Jesus Christ. These are not compatible as we have seen in previous articles. They often support the LGBTQ+ movement. They are pro choice in terms of abortion. They are strictly all against a union of church and state. They support the social gospel only doctrines. They are heavily into humanitarian aid and environmentalism (which again we should have a focus on, but not at the expense of what our main focus should be, especially for this time), while often neglecting support for evangelism. They often oppose the idea of miracles, at least if the miracle protect a servant of God rather than ending all poverty. So we see many of these same ideas and beliefs that are promoted by atheists and secular humanists being encouraged also by Liberals in the churches. And while they claim to serve the true God, what is actually the case for some or many is that they create their own God in their own image. While secular humanists may reject the idea of a God altogether, their god is still humanity and self. And that is not all that far away from creating a god in their own image, after their own likings. While the right side in the churches are quite evident without much further explanation. They share so many beliefs and causes that there is no need to set up a list. In the SDA church we also see this heavy weight on the health message in the conservative camp, protesting "Big pharma", calling medication for witchcraft and heavy emphasis on their physical health for salvation. Disclaimer: But notice that I do not condemn anyone who may fight for the worlds idea of a higher law and the worlds idea of social justice, love and more. Same goes for those who may focus heavily on the health message, and have no ability to know that it is in the category of sin to have a large overfocus on it vs that of the deeper, spiritual subjects. As we are all expected to live up to the light that shine for us individually. And sin is only sin when we first have a chance to know better or receive a higher alternative and have matured enough in our path to be able to receive it. Although, that can sadly be used as anot good enough of an excuse to continue in sin. ---- I have pondered on this for a while... Could then the King of the North in a wider sense represent the RIGHT (CONSERVATIVE) CAMP also in the churches, including the Sda church? And the King of the South represent the LEFT (liberal) side in the world and churches, including the SDA church? Satan, the false Christ, Babylon is both to the left and right side of the Center which is where the heart/mind of Christ is.
"He (Satan) will set his tent inside the camp" (churches,)."
Now a few questions for further thought:
Could an organization include both the king of the North and the King of the South philosophies ? Both left and right. Think of conservative pope Benedict vs liberal Pope Francis in the Roman Catholic church as two good examples. Two sides of the beast power? Many conservative Catholics oppose pope Francis' liberal leftist philosophies. So we see left against right, both in the Catholic church and in the SDA church, as well as many other churches, and also politics. Yes, I believe so.
Could the pharisee party be slightly reminiscent of the right wing conservatives in the church(es)?
And the Sadducee party be somewhat reminiscent of the left wing liberals in the church and politics?
And the disciples; followers of Christ and His ADVANCED/ HIGHER light/ truth in the CENTER?