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The last end time test involve not only the day, but also the deeper significance of the Sabbath.

Oppdatert: 8. apr. 2022

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The spiritual, deeper meaning of the Sabbath is that it represent loyalty to the Creator, to His kingdom. Loyalty to the sanctifier who redeem you from your old self and the old order, of being filled with the moral character (law and spirit) of this world, the flesh, of self. Or of Babylon, which is a mix of the holy law and spirit with the unholy. To advance forward to the new, mature, everlasting, spiritual law and order of the triune God. It represent loyalty to the new, mature, everlasting, higher, spiritual law, covenant and order and its God.

What you focus on first and foremost becomes your idol, your god. So if you focus more and value more the lighter, temporal, limited truths and ways, then your god is not currently the Creator, the God of the new, everlasting, spiritual kingdom. But the lord of the old, immature law and order, this world or Babylon. Your god is then the prince of this world, the false, Christ, the whore of Babylon. In order to advance forward, you must take up your cross, crucify your taste for the limited, for your inclination to get stuck in traditions and the seemingly safe, your inclination to get hooked on the things and cares of this world and this life, rather than on the deeper, greater things of God.

“0 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.” 1. Corinthians 10.

The 7th Day Sabbath is also a day set apart for the spiritual subject, to honor the Creator and His spiritual kingdom, the new law, covenant, order.

Grace = Spiritual power from the holy spirit, the same power that created this earth. This same power can recreate us in the image of God. This power we receive from God as a free, undeserved gift, if we choose to travel and endure the way of the cross, the way of sanctification, in order to go from the literal kingdom to the spiritual. This is to be born anew, born by the spirit where we receive the everlasting, divine law on our hearts and minds = the divine moral character = the divine nature.

So we see the importance and role of the Holy spirit in this recreation from unsanctified to sanctified humans. Hence also then part of the sealing. The rest of the series "Identifying the Seal/Mark and Image of God vs. the Beast.


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