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The Letter and Spirit of the 7th Day Sabbath, and the temporal Mosaic laws.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 10. feb. 2022

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Both the day (letter) of the 7th Day Sabbath, but more so the deeper significance of the Sabbath is part of the seal.

The 7th Day Sabbath, the 4th commandment, was placed inside the Ark of the covenant. Not only that, but the 4th commandment is also among the first 4 commandments, summed up in the greatest main commandments of loving God first, and mankind/creation second, wich are among the last 6 of the ten commandments, that sum up the second greatest commandment.

(Deuteronomy 4:13. Hebrews 9:3-5)

So the first 4 commandments are even higher, holier, than that of the last 6. As it deals specifically with our worship for our Creator and sanctifier/savior.

The civil, temporal laws, including the dietary laws, was placed outside the ark. They are not of equal importance.

The health message is only connected to, not part of the 3 Angel's message. Meaning it is not the message itself. While the letter of the 7th Day Sabbath is still included in the 3 Angel's message.

Many of the Adventists and the other churches will rise up against the straight message, the loud cry message, because the standard is too high.

The conservative, right wing, adventists because they are too legalistic. While other Christians will rise up against it because they are too liberal.

So both the king of the North and the South will rise up against it.

As far as the seal, many adventists will reject it because they are too focused on the letter.

While many other Christians reject it because they believe the letter have no importance or relevance.

In some instances the spirit of the law will do away with the letter, but not when it comes to the 7th Day Sabbath. Examples where the letter lose its signficance is if the spirit of the law is of the kind where it replaces the letter. One example would be an outdated, lesser doctrine that only counted as present truth for that specific time and circumstance.

Also when it comes to the temporal laws, like dietary laws. Meaning, if the circumstance demand that you eat unclean meat for survival, the spirit of the law says it is better to eat it to survive than to destroy your health and life completely, and to die without.

The deeper significance of the true Sabbath is the higher rest/ peace of escaping the legalist mindset by receiving the fullness of Christ and His righteousness, by grace through faith. Which is also the Laodicean mindset, which is also the beastly and Babylonian character. Which is also the unsanctified human character. Crossing over from the old, immature law, covenant and order to the new, everlasting from unsanctified to sanctified humans by the sanctification of the triune God.

The 4th commandment bridges or unite the Creator with creation, but also the letter and the spirit. Without sacrificing the authority or holiness of the Creator and the spiritual.

So the 4th commandment bridges or unite the Creator with creation, but also the letter and the spirit. Without sacrificing the authority or sanctity of the Creator and the spiritual.

Legalism is where you put the same weight on the letter as the spirit of the law. Or the letter above the spirit. The lesser above the higher.

The deeper significance of the 7th Day Sabbath is to be sanctified from the old, immature law, covenant and order, to the new, everlasting law, covenant and order of Jesus Christ. The mature stage, is to be born again and receive a fuller measure of the holy spirit, but also to receive the law of Christ more fully.

A way of seeing that there is a priority when it comes to the shallower, more literal/apparant to the deeper, inner, spiritual is the two greatest commandments where the priority is:

1. Love for God, the Creator and His spiritual kingdom.

(Sum up of the first 4 of the 10 commandments)

2. Love for mankind, Creation and the physical kingdom.

(Sum up of the last 6 of the 10 commandments)

There is a significant priority in terms of greater and lesser importance. Which is why we are to choose obedience to God over man. There is a good reason why Jesus divides the two main commandments that sum up the ten into two categories, and calls the commandments that deal with our relationship to God, the first and greatest. The second is in second place, it does not have as much weight or same holiness. If it had, one could have equated the Creator with creation. God's word in its entirety is very clear that the Creator has the highest authority, over creation. The abomination and the sins of Israel constantly deal with the great sin of putting creation and what it represents, over the creator (God) and what God represents. It was also Lucifer's sin in heaven, which is in the category of creation, not creator.

Matthew 22:37-39:

Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38


39 And THE SECOND is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

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