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The Messages in a greater perspective.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 23. okt. 2021

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- The Loud cry: The messages of Christ our righteousness, Righteousness by faith. - The Everlasting gospel and the everlasting law, covenant and order. - The seal and image of God, the mark and image of the beast. - Babylon the fallen. - The way of the cross, of Jesus Christ "Christ our righteousness" and "Righteousness by faith" is the same as the sanctification, the way of the cross, where we receive the moral image of Christ (God), His law, His teachings, His higher versions of love, joy, justice and wisdom. His (new) higher, everlasting law, covenant and order. This happens by grace through faith. Hence the righteousness of Christ by faith. His law of faith. This is to advance from the old law, covenant and order to the new, everlasting law, covenant and order. And then finally to overcome the man of sin (the fallen sinful nature of man). From self righteousness to the righteousness of Christ. From old, unsanctified humans to new, sanctified humans. Hence to be recreated in the image of Christ/God. Which is to receive His moral character which is the foundation for His law and government. The spiritual kingdom of God. We must overcome in order to finally also be recreated in the physical image of God. This does not happen until the second coming of Christ, where the overcomers will receive new, glorified bodies consisting of a new, everlasting material. Recreation/Sanctification of the inner, moral character (spiritual heart and mind) must happen here first. Followed by the outer, physical after. That is why I emphasize Galatians 3:26-29. It is part of the everlasting gospel and covenant of restoring mankind to the image of God by Christ’s righteousness, and his sanctification (the law of God written on our hearts and minds, by grace through faith. (Hebrews 8:10). Hence becoming gradually adapted to the society of angels and heaven. Because it is a promise with conditions, as we know that those who do not choose Christ and overcome, will be destroyed on the day of judgment, in the fire that will purify the entire old earth, including all the fallen angels and human beings. Followed by a complete new recreation of this earth made new.

THE PROMISE went from local, small, immature version (referred to as the old covenant) to all encompassing = the new, everlasting, mature covenant. See Galatians chapter 3, particularly verse 26-29: “for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, and heirs according to promise.”

Christ from the time of his death (crucifixion), until the the fullness of the age, ended the artificial, temporary, separation due to outer factors like race, nationality, birth/genes, gender, status and so on. His full covenant and law encompass all regardless of these outer, shallow factors. We can all choose to accept his gift of salvation, His way toward righteousness and true, everlasting life, peace, order, joy and love on this earth made new, if we accept it, and walk in it by faith. We can also see how the straight testimony is connected to this message, as this testimony also is focused on the straight and narrow way, the way of the cross, which is the sanctification.

Not only that, but we also see how the Seal of God is connected to the image of God, which is achieved by the sanctification of God, the way of the cross. The only way in which we can receive the righteousness of Christ, His law and spirit, His moral character which is the moral image of Christ/ God, by crucifying our self righteousness (the law and spirit of self/ the flesh/ this world). And those who reject it and refuse to advance toward the higher versions, the higher order, the kingdom of God, will then receive the mark of the beast, which leave them left behind under the law, spirit and order of the beast, thus end up as Babylon the fallen, and retaining the image of the beast.

In order to inherit the New earth, we must first crucify our old man and this old earth, and receive the new man in and by Christ Jesus.

The "missing" link that connect the messages is the way, the truth and the life. The way of the cross, of Jesus Christ. Entire series "From 666 - 777. Sanctified in the Image of God."


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