Satan's (who still think he is Lucifer, a highly exalted angel) response now seems to be that he no longer cares for the heart and mind of Christ. He has become perfectly filled with himself and his own kingdom. The kingdom of this world, its law and spirit: 666. He is now cold, indifferent and careless to the voice and spirit of God, of the power of the holy trinity: 777, and have severed every possible tie to the one who was closest to him once in heaven: Jesus Christ. A love and bond so strong and high most humans can not even comprehend. And yet, his pride and self exaltation got in the way. He refused to listen to the Highest Father in heaven as to whom He wanted to consult and exalt first. He wanted the same position, the highest position. So he fell and he refused to bow in his heart.
He realize that he has committed the unpardonable sin toward the kingdom of Christ, of forsaking love and joy divine. He seems a bit grieved, puzzled and disturbed that he feels so indifferent now to the one who once was closest to his heart.
But then he cling to his own kingdom of this world, all his fans and family of his world, and his versions of love, joy, peace, in which he is king. And answers as to why:
"Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle
Must be the reason why I'm free in my trapped soul."
How thou art fallen O, Lucifer..
He fell and continued falling away from the heart and mind of Christ, by giving into the lower voice of self exaltation, ignoring the higher voice of exaltation of Christ.
Just like every angel, king and queen, man and woman, who belong to the fallen.
You see how the prince(s) of the world, the immature or fallen, try to excuse and explain away their behavior and refusal to humble themselves for the higher heavenly authority, and take up their cross. Using the wisdom and psychology of the world, rather than the wisdom that come from above, from the higher psychology of Christ. They also turn very quickly to the wine of Babylon, the things and ways of the shallower. That also include a wrong overfocus on the limited vs the higher.
When Satan first fell, he received corrections and counsel from Christ. But the remedy he offered, of humbling self and admitting his mistake (repentance) for the entire Universe, was too much for his pride. He was the highest of all angels, perfect in his ways, and very close to Christ. They were close like twins and leaders of the heavenly host. He could not see or understand why he should not receive the very same privileges from the Father, as Christ. Remember that there had never been any conflict in heaven prior to this. No pain. So he deceived himself, thinking he could come up with a better solution to the conflict that arose. Something that would not involve sacrificing pride in creation. In which he was the highest example of. Something that would not hurt. Anything else but the way of the cross, the way of Christ, of crucifying self.
When the psychology of the world speak of ego and self, it is actually the reverse of pride in creation. And they paint the way of Christ, and His psychology, path of healing and redemption as Satanic, selfish and egocentric. What Christ call selfish and prideful, the world will often call beneficial.
The preaching of the cross, the psychology of the cross, is foolishness in the sight of the fallen, to those who walk by sight, by the ways and wisdom of this world. And vica versa.
But while the now fallen arch angel perhaps had and still to some degree, noble aspirations, and believed he could find a way out, avoiding the pain, managing to bring one third of the holy angels with him in his growing self deception, his true colors and motives started to become increasingly evident. Yet, it should take 4000 years after the first fall of mankind, who chose to listen his wisdom and ways toward increased freedom and happiness, for the holy angels to truly realize how truly fallen and evil his heart had then become.
The once highest exalted and then closest to the heart of Christ, of all creation, had then become so dark, he managed to crucify His once closest friend. The spotless Son of God on the cross. Because he refused to take up his.
Satan has many deceptions in the last days, here is a sum up:
Satan try to keep Christians stuck in traditions, a limited truth, thinking there is no need to advance and seek a fuller version of the truth, and being prepared to receive light when it is being revealed. And then also be ready to sacrifice the limited or erroneous after correction and light has come. Which can also mean you will risk losing support from friends, family and church allies. Maybe even your job, your popularity and status. This was the sin of the pharisees and of the Laodicean church. The arch deceiver also rely on salvation by lesser or lower magic, and the lesser, worldly, more shallower versions of the true and righteous versions that are from God. But notice also that he has planned a deception that is so close to the genuine it can deceive everyone who is not firmly established on the present, mature truth of this age. He also copy just about every word and expression of God, in his greatest deceptions in these last days, but the meaning and content is very different. He may call his religion and philosophies for spiritual, but when you peel back the onion, you will find that his way is not the way of Christ. His religion still rely on physical energies and higher vibrations in his happy human agenda, as well as spiritualism and their way toward ascension. It is still circumcision or salvation in the outer, in the shallower, the worldly. Salvation without having received the righteousness of Christ, the higher power from Christ. Which can only come by advancing in the higher school of God, the path of the cross. Because Satan has a counterfeit even here, where he pretend to be a Christ-like figure and educate you in his school with the wisdom of this world and from its perspective. While Christs’ way, his higher school, has salvation connected to the innermost, the deepest which is truly in spirit, of having His law written on our hearts and minds, by grace through faith. And crucifying the law and spirit of the flesh, of this shallow world and its counterfeit lower laws and versions of love, wisdom, peace, joy, justice, of creation without true power from the highest God. While the false Christ with his wisdom and philosophies, claiming to be a Christ or a Christ-like figure, a savior and benefactor, has heavily crept into the Christian churches at this point. Completely unnoticed by most who welcome it as if it is from the true Christ himself, and even claiming and believing they are against spiritualism. Yet they promote his agenda and his philosophies and modern religion, in various ways, both to the left and to the right. Mixing the holy and higher with the lower and unholy. Hence Babylon the great, and many are sipping her wine without knowing it.
We see that what Lucifer wanted was freedom from the higher, the deeper. The higher law, the higher God, the higher wisdom, the higher and deeper love, joy and justice. In exchange of his lower, shallower versions of the same. As the highest of creation, he was still of creation. While his brother was the very begotten Son of God, and Creator. And because he did not recognize that he was higher, and thought he should be equal, he fell, and refused the only remedy for his sin.
Satan was perfect and removed himself increasingly from Christ. Humans however are immature, fallen, and must move toward Christ. If they stand still, stuck in a fixed, limited truth for too long, they will get stuck in tradition, become unfaithful to the great God and end up fallen.
Only the cross of Christ, the way of the cross, can mend the broken heart of separation between the fallen and the unfallen, and reunite us with the Divine.
So we need a broken heart in the right way in order to heal our broken hearts in the wrong way.
