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The way, the truth and the life. Part 1.

Oppdatert: 25. mai 2023

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(Please use Google translate if you have difficulties comprehending the English language) Attacking the “the way, the truth and the Life is to attack Christ and the Holy Spirit, directly or indirectly, knowingly or not. To attack the truth or say what you believe is not so important, is to attack Christ and the holy Spirit (“I am the way, the truth and the life”), the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. To attack the Sanctification process is to attack Christs’ WAY. Jesus says: “I am the way, the truth and the life”. Which is to let God, Christ and the Holy Spirit with all their different functions gradually remove and replace what is at enmity with Christ. Sin is disobedience, Hatred, Prejudices and pride in self instead of victory in Christ, with the love of Christ. By His definition of love: Divine love, obedience and removing prejudices, and a humble, teachable mind and spirit. All which functions like black or grey areas in your heart, that blocks your mind from discerning Spiritual truth, and being enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Either blocking, becoming spiritually blind, in one or many areas, depending on the nature of the “blockage” > this is a natural consequence of hatred and prejudices and fleshy pride in one or several areas. Say you can be free of racism, but you are misogynistic -so you become spiritually blind in areas that revolve around the latter; the black area in your heart that remains, that you still hold on to. This is how mind control works, and why demons play on hatred and create fears and prejudices, to fill your heart with more black areas that make you spiritually undiscerning in these areas. In a broader sense, you replace worldly character traits, with Christs’ character traits. This is how more and more of Christ will enter your heart. By letting Him remove the stains on your heart that naturally will block light/truth from the Holy Spirit to enter your mind. Sin and what is in enmity with Christ will always lead to destruction and death. And ultimately the second death for which there is no resurrection. Sin costed suffering and death, the shedding of blood. The shedding of blood, and also fire, is the most effective way of removing toxins in a literal sense. The holy spirit is symbolized by water and fire. This is also why water was used when God cleansed the earth the first time (Noahs’ flood). And later He will use fire, at the end of age, at the last purification of the earth and Universe of all sin, and evil. "Without the shedding of blood, there is no remissions for sin". (Hebrews 9:22) So you have the blood of innocent lambs, the blood of Christ, the fulfilment, the true and living Sacrifice, that ended the sacrificial system in the temple for the Jews. You also have the blood of martyrs and saints, as we are to take up our cross and follow him. While this blood does not justify us, with regard to salvation, unlike the blood of Christ, it is sometimes involved in the path toward righteousness, as we are to take up our cross and follow Him. So, suffering, pain, fevers, cuts and bruises, are all reminders of what sin cost. Sin affect the guilty and the innocent. Those who are affected by the consequence of disobedience due to say illnesses, accidents, martyrdom and those who are persecuted for the cause of Christ. While we are to try to live healthy, we should also be careful not to go to extremes with the idea that the importance with regard to salvation is mostly about dietary habits. Extremes is an easy trap for many who think the solution always is to run as far as you can in the other direction. A boat will tip over if everyone runs to one side (think extreme liberals or extreme conservatives, in politics or the church). This has nothing to do with lukewarmness. So, the sanctification process is not to become more and more extreme, as we are warned also about this, but to become balanced and of a sound mind, just like Christ. However, we are to become fully devoted to Christ, and to the world this will often be regarded as extremism. The wrong, unrighteous, type of extremism, is to go too far to the left or the right in terms of belief, and get obsessed about outer purification more than inner. It is only our characters that can attain holiness in the path toward righteousness, not our physical vessels. The outer vessels will not be glorified until the second advent of Christ. We are to take care of our bodies through, and try to live as long as we can by trying to live a healthy lifestyle, adjusted our individual situation. Moses went up to receive the ten commandments from God, what happened in the meantime? People became impatient, and forgot and created an idol, another God/ a counterfeit of the true God. They created an idol, a type of god, they could observe. In the end times, this will not only be repeated, but we will see the Omega of all former and numerable apostasies, Satanic deceptions, and increasing deceptions that will culminate in the crowning act of the great deception. "For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2. Corinthians 5:7 We will be represented with two types of worship: One is the true God, the true Christ and the genuine Holy Spirit. The other will be one or many counterfeits and will be Babylonian (meaning a mix of biblical truth with error). Christ ask us to remember His teachings, and not end up deceived in terms of Satanic lies and counterfeits that originated in the garden of Eden, and has become more and more deceptive since. The ingredients in the counterfeits will involve some or several of his first deceptions and lies to our first parents, and revolve around disobedience. The lie of the immortality of the soul for sinners “Ye shall not surely die”. (Genesis 3:4). The false teaching that people go straight to heaven or hell after they die w,hile the Bible clearly teach that people are sleeping an unconscious “sleep”, in their graves, until Christ returns the second time. This also give way to the horrible and unbiblical doctrine of all: everlasting life for sinners in torment. This is the most brutal and Satanic attack, leaving Christ, a God of Divine Love as His Law and character, with Satans’ character traits; hatred, malice, sadism. (see and for a deep dive into these themes. Do not be startled by the graphic, the content is still good.) The other lieye shall be as God-knowing good and evil” which is the deceptions contained in Spiritualism and Pantheism, that everyone and everything is “god”, Though more of an impersonal god force, unlike the spirit of God, which is personal. It also contain “forbidden knowledge": Jewish mysticism/ Kabbalah/ Occultism/ Theosophy etc). It will neither uphold the original 10 commandments or the importance of it, the importance of obedience and the sanctification process. The latter is a direct attack to the LIFE; everlasting life only found in Christ and His ways and truths. Christ saves us gradually away from the bondage of sin and its captivity. Jesus came to set the captives free. The counterfeits will turn this on its head, and create alternative theories also to the sanctification process by misrepresenting and counterfeiting the ingredients in “hate, fear, love”. They replace the true meaning with a different meaning and make it revolve around energies rather than the spiritual. For instance, you can have physical heart problems and even brain inflammation, and still be able to discern Spiritual truth. Although being physically healthy is a benefit, but not a requirement for salvation, unlike how the Nazis treated those who were physically ill even among their own citizens. A huge lesson why we need to differentiate between the two very different spirits behind two very similar agendas and messages being preached simultaneously. The latter also completely leave out the whole purpose and meaning of the sanctification process, and what it really means to let Christ and the Holy spirit gradually remove the un-christlike traits of our character (heart and mind). This is the occult and spiritualists' spirituality, not to be confused with Christs’ spirituality, which is a huge trap as well. This is also Satans’ deceptive way of attacking Gods’ people, yes, even Christ himself and trying to reverse the victory Christ won against Satan in the wilderness, while he was very exhausted after spending 40 days in the desert. He now change the terms, instead of admitting Christ won because of the truth and purity of heaven contained in His heart, Satanic forces claim that He lost because His energies was low, and thus sinned in HIS counterfeit version of what constitutes “fear and hate”, and making it revolve around energies. While he and those adhering to these doctrines do not say this bluntly, that is still the logical consequence of this belief. Think of the spiritualistic theories concerning Chi, auras and chakra- which has nothing to do with the spiritual application and meaning of these words, and destroy Christ, and His “way, truth and life”. We know many will be saved despite physical illnesses and lack of vital force. All who developed such diseases and got very sick due to overwork (including several of the pioneers, including James White, who got very sick and some died due to overexertion/overwork, even when they worked for Christ. All who developed diseases, like Martin Luther who struggled with Meniere’s disease. Same with biblical heroes like Job, David, Paul and more. They do this in the name of “love”, in the name of “peace”, in the name of “truth” , turning everything upside down, black into white, sweet for bitter and bitter for sweet. Even in the name of Christ, who is the ultimate and only prince of peace and love. But in this life we have this spiritual war between Christ and Satan, the prince of this world, and all his alternatives and counterfeits. The deceptions and imitation of the genuine will “appear” more and more identical to the true Christ, the true Holy Spirit, that even the very elect can if possible be deceived. Christ says : “if you (say you) love me (lip service), you will keep MY commandments (not a counterfeit or replacement, however close to the genuine). We want to obey Him because we love Him, this is not legalism. This is what Jesus says is the natural fruit if we really choose Him as Lord, Savior and master in our lives. “If you love me, keep my commandments”. John 14:15. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven”. Matthew 7:21-23 The paradox of Babylon, the counterfeit (occultism and spiritualism and apostate Christianity) is that it in many ways overfocus on the literal/physical meaning, vs the spiritual application. Or it obstruct the spiritual meaning to mean something else and even the opposite of the true spiritual application. The counterfeit has an overfocus or emphasis on, say the physical health so much that it overshadows and makes the physical health a requirement for salvation. While it could be beneficial, it is not a requirement, unlike what we find in the great end-time counterfeit of modern spiritualism. "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." 2. Corinthians 4:16 When it is the spiritual health that is the most important. It it does not mean that we are not to try to live a healthy lifestyle, which we are. But we are not to overfocus on it so that we end up thinking in the line of the counterfeit agenda of Satan. That is to make the minor into the major. That is to turn the gospel and the cross upside down. Think of the occult teachings that was behind Hitler and the Nazis’ belief system that was responsible for brainwashing an entire nation, to think physical health was of such uttermost importance, that they ended up being willing to murder both Jews and also their own German citizens. They were even considered a civilized society. Yet because of such a skewed thinking and belief coming straight out of "hell", and yet those who were brainwashed into this line of thinking, turned them into killing machines, murderers and becoming completely insensitive to those they deemed lost. Those people that Hitler and the nazis, with their inhumane, ice cold view of humanity, deemed lost, Not Christ and His teachings. This they managed in some obscure way of rationalizing as if it was for the sake of the “common good” of humanity! Worst of all is that they even managed in some even obscurer way to make it seem like it was Christian.

This is why the true health message do not have an overemphasis on the physical health, but the spiritual health still. “in sickness and in health, God still uses them”-Ellen White. Sadly, today, many in the so called “truther” movement, where many adhere to beliefs stemming from modern spiritualism, give the impression of being in the resistance movement. And to some degree that might be the case, yet there are countless of dangers in these movements. A too imbalanced thinking usually get you caught in the net of Satan. We need to be anchored in Christ, by His word and by His spirit. Entire series: "Salvation/ Sanctification"


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