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The way, the truth and the life. Part 2.

Oppdatert: 13. okt. 2021

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LITERAL APPLICATION Physical, environmental, chemical, mental stress, virus/bacterial/fungal infection, lack of sleep/rest, overexertion, air pollution, chemical dyes, grief, life crisis/challenges, hormonal issues, PMS/the period > Causes physical toxins > How the body deals with toxins; WATER > toxins leave the body with tears, mucus and urine. “HEAT/FIRE”: fever (you can even fake a fever with saunas or warm foot baths). BLOOD; When a woman have the menstrual period, she gets toxic, which is the cause of all the discomfort and pain. After about a week of bleedings, the toxic buildup gradually leaves the body and much of the pain and discomfort is eased or disappears. Often when mucus is red it signalizes severe inflammation. This serve more as a metaphor for the spiritual application rather than making the figures, which are the shadows, into an issue of salvation. While virus, bacteria and even the painful period etc, are a result of sin, it is rarely or not the blame of the individual who suffer with the illness. Often it is hereditary illness, or accidently getting infected by a virus and you end up with a cold or flu. Or say the period that every single woman suffer with every month from mild to severe. (in terms of how badly they are affected by it) about every month. This is not the fault of the woman, it is worse if she miss her period as that would be a sign of there being a hormonal imbalance. So this is something that God has allowed every woman to go through, and maybe it is also for the spiritual lesson, to be reminded of what disobedience and distrust to God led to, and to remind us of the importance of obedience to God and His laws. SPIRITUAL APPLICATION.

Stress (say a virus or pms/the period) > toxicity (symbol of SIN) Consequence is PAIN/ SUFFERING> Solution is Christ and the cross and His atoning BLOOD on Calvary. “Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin”. (Hebrews 9:22). The Holy Spirit is symbolized by FIRE and WATER. To be saved is to be saved from the heart and mind of Satan. Which is the heart and mind of the world and the natural man without Christ. We need to choose Christ who truly is the «way, the truth and the life», the only one who can save us from our own nature, that is the nature without Christ. Without Him we can do nothing. Every good gift comes from God in heaven as he is the author of it. Although this world and the prince of it try desperately to make you think otherwise.

This is why we need to be saved from sin and Satan. We need to surrender our hearts to Christ, so He can replace your black stained heart with His pure Truth. All the areas in your heart that need to be replaced gradually on the «way» that leads to Christ?

''Who is Christ? Christ is pure selfless love, which means that we want every single human being saved. Because we truly believe in Jesus Christ and His narrow path of righteousness that gradually will transform our inner self, our hearts more and more to that of Christ. That is why Christ says that we need to get to the point where we hate this world, not humans, but the spirit of the world. The natural man; Humanity without Christ. Hating the world means that you hate what is opposite of God and His Law and character. So believing God, the Father, Jahve, His Son, Jesus Christ (Yeshuah) and the holy spirit, is of far-reaching importance with regard to salvation. Because God is the only one who can transform every heart. A heart not willing, who do not want to surrender all of His black stained heart, and choose the walk of righteousness, which is a spiritual/inner process more than an outward transformation. A heart not willing to surrender to Christ, in order for Him to transform your heart with His law and character, Divine love. Wanting every single person, every race, every, gender, every person no matter what their current belief is, or how dark their heart is at the present. Because you want them to be saved from these false beliefs that does not teach the true Christ, true love, the transformation that will take place and transform every heart if they surrender all. But they must be willing to let every defiled area in their heart go. Christ has promised to complete this spiritual journey together with Him, transformed by His spirit through faith. Every other way is hopeless in terms of true peace, true salvation, true love, true happiness which is very different from the happiness of this world. This happiness is not ecstatic, it is not reached by entertainment. It is a more silent form of happiness in the end, that stays on the inside, even when you are ill and maybe can not show it. It is not comprehended by humans who judge by outer appearance or how things seem to them, which can be very different from how you truly feel if you believe in Christ. No matter if you have a day or days where you feel physically weak, exhausted and in physical pain. The spirit of this world can not comfort because it does not understand, it can only pretend to understand. The spirit of this world can never compare to Christ and His ways of true salvation and true agape love. The spirit of this world and humans without Christ is truly hell and can never be anything else, it can only pretend, just like Satan when he appears as an angel and his followers and those who believe humans can be saved without choosing the true path of salvation. The important thing is to be willing to take his narrow road, and Christ will gradually take the place of your natural man. Divine Love (which is a choice and principle, and is only possible through faith in Christ’s way unto salvation for any person regardless of the outer factor. True oneness can only be reached by faith in Jesus Christ and His way unto salvation, by justification and sanctification. If you fall, you can repent, ask for forgiveness and return back to Him. But it need to be genuine. To identify sin, is to identify these black stains on your heart so Christ and true love can take its place. There can be no peace, no union or oneness without Christ. Christ has promised salvation for every single human if this is your choice. Man can never judge this, they are incapable of it. Satan and fallen angels, who appear as angels of love and light can not comprehend it, because they are spiritually blind and have created a substituted way, the broad way. Salvation is to be saved from hate, prejudices, unforgiveness, and is a road that leads to destruction and the second death. Their utopia is Satan’s way to their counterfeit heaven. If you truly comprehend this, and have experienced the two ways and experienced the true horror and nightmare that is hidden beneath the surface of their counterfeit idea of “light and love and peace and oneness” you would never choose any other way. You would understand how truly dark and evil their “highway to hell is”, which is their idea of utopia covered underneath their garb of sanctity, but without true and inner to the core substance. This is the «form of godliness without the «power». Their idea of salvation is connected with physical energies. If you do not understand that this is an inner and spiritual process, which has little to do with the counterfeit spiritualistic methods and process, you will soon lose your faith in Christ, because you focus too much on what the physical eye witness, and do not comprehend the deeper nature of things. We need to go through a similar process, which is to take up our cross and crucify the natural man. We can also conquer in Christ, even when we go through periods of betrayal, loneliness, mental agony, physical pain, temptations and attacks and deceptions coming from Satan. Christ went through every trial and temptation, yet without sin, without needing to. Unlike everyone else who have fallen short. Yet He conquered, by the word and spirit. If we have Him as Lord we would want to follow His way, the way of the cross. Satanic attacks often come in human form, by the spirit entering. How? The spirit of self who do not surrender their heart, and take this lifelong journey of transformation of the spiritual nature and heart, is to a fuller degree filled with the opposite spirit, the spirit of the prince of this world, which is Satan. Satan, fallen angels and humanity who do not choose Jesus Christ, and do not want to surrender all to Him and agape love. Then they reverse all of this, so the true Christ is being presented as Satan or error, because they believe in salvation without this transformation process achieved in Christ. They shout that those who teach Christ as the only true way onto salvation are separatists, and that this is “Satan”. But even Christ says: «Be ye separate». “How can two walk together unless they be agreed?”. (2. Cor 6:17) “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” -John 1:1.5

… without a willing heart and mind, because they loved the darkness, which is presented as «love» and «light», more than they loved the true light. Everything that is physical is of a temporal nature and will fade and die. Except a few who will be translated without seeing death. But their present earthen vessels, will be transformed into glorious bodies. While the inner man, that this world can not see or comprehend, because they do not value His Truth, and that is why these two spirits can not unite. We can not unite in error. There is only two main groups in the end. One group who worship the true Christ, and one who worship the counterfeits (which is Antichrist and Satan appearing as angel of light, love and peace). Even if he claim he do not want worship, they still follow him, and that is by definition, worship. And those who do not believe in a God, will often by definition worship creation, or humanity, rather than the creator. The more one is filled with the world, the less one will believe in the true Christ. The true Christ is not just someone who suffered and died to save you from flames and eternal death, but also save us from sin. A heart not surrendered to Christ will choose the broad way and cheap salvation, or salvation trusting in their own works to their flesh (physical energies). To truly comprehend God’s ways, we need to walk the narrow path, which is not cheap salvation. It is not to simply state a few sentences out loud if you do not walk the walk, and give Christ permission to replace these polluted spots in your heart with Christ and trust and believe in his ways. Yes we are to believe that He died for us on Calvary and took all our sins on Himself. This is how we are justified before God. But we are told to also take the narrow way that leadeth to true salvation, salvation from the spirit and heart of the natural man. To crucify our spirit of the flesh. It is a conversion process which is a lifetime process where you need to learn from Him in His word, you need to have a desire to save souls and all souls from the path of unrighteousness. Because heaven will not be heaven to them, because they love the spirit of the world too much, and do not hate this world. To take up the cross means that we will truly witness and understand this, and when we do, we would know that Christ truly is the only way to salvation. We will be saved if we embrace the truth that is revealed to us. But we need to want it, which is why the Bible states that we must knock and knock until the door is opened. If we do not truly desire the true Christ, He will not push Himself on us, because He can not, as he require willing surrender. Many will profess to love Him, but Jesus will say to some «your heart is far from me”. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. “ Matthew 7:22-23. “Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways. Why will you die?»- Jesus knows that the broad way and cheap salvation is not salvation at all because they do not truly surrender and give all their heart to the true Christ. «Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which. leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7:14. Does this sound like a short prayer or lip service, and not acknowledging that we need to truly surrender and take up our cross daily? True belief and true faith is to acknowledge that we need to surrender our hearts to Christ, and that when we truly do, we must trust that Christ will fulfill His promise, of replacing our natural man with the spiritual man, which is only truly found in Him. “But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." -1 Samuel 16:7 “Instead, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, not in order to please men but God, who examines our hearts”. 1. Thessalonians 2:4 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship”. Romans 12:1

"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me”. Galatians 2:20

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it”. Matthew 16:24-25

“And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him”. Hebrews 11:6

"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it”. Mark 8:35 "Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it". Psalm 37:5 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ". Phil1:6 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”. 2 Timothy 4 Entire series: "Salvation/ Sanctification"


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