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This earth right now is at a climax of darkness and hell.

Forfatterens bilde: Linda Avdiel Aanestad HauglandLinda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland

Oppdatert: 10. nov. 2022


This earth right now is at a climax of darkness and hell, both physically, mentally and spiritually, unparallelled to any previous era in the history of this earth, and broadly speaking in the history of the Universe.

The New Earth will perhaps be bittersweet, with a stronger love for God and the spiritual and deeper, and then a lesser love for the material, shallower.

But it sure will not be hell. Which is a continuation of what we have now.

Most of this world's inhabitants are happy in this hell called old earth, as most are not sanctified with the character of God. They have their natural, human characters, the character and image of the beast.

"And the whole world followed after the beast".

The pit of hell appear as light. But things are not what they seem in this world. So no, we have a climax of Sodom and Gomorrah, of worldliness, of shallowness, of love for the physical, material, shallow, mundane, boring, licentiousness.

It has grown increasingly worse the last decade.

So the only alternative is

1. Heaven


2. The New World Order,

with a certain emphasis on love for God and the spiritual as nr.1 and creation and the physical as a defini

te nr. 2. This world right now, and it is often worse in most churches, has not only flipped the balance of the scales, but it is almost a perfect hatred of God and heaven, and perfect love for the earthly. Many profess to love God, but the majority actually hate God and heaven. The light is far too strong for most people's tastes and natural inclinations and characters.

So most, including most of the churches, love darkness and hell, professing to love the light.


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