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The natural heart is not just like a beast, but like vampires who do everything to escape the cross.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 4. apr. 2022

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It is impossible to call these teachings hypocritical, because it demolish all the hypocritical interpretations on the image of the beast out there. Why? Because this identify ALL natural unsanctified human hearts and minds as the character, heart and hence the image of the beast, as all have transgressed and fallen short, except for Jesus Christ.

The only true salvation is salvation from sin, which is to crucify our sinful, unsanctified (beastly) character, and receive the character traits (heart and mind of Christ). This can only happen by the two purposes of grace and the cross, through faith in Jesus Christ and His way. See separate image/article for further explanations.

In order to call it hypocritical you would have to call Jesus Christ a hypocrite. Of course there are antichristian voices out there who also go that far. The true doctrine leave no room for unforgiveness to even one single human being who repent of their sins. Which again leave no room for unbelief in the Creator God and His kingdom, in the triune God's power to create and recreate each human heart. Those who deny God's ability to save and sanctify ( recreate) the natural human heart who is under the order and image of the beast, to renew it into the image of Christ and God to be able to be under the new, everlasting law and order, they thereby as a consequence deny the Holy triune God: The Father, The Son and The Holy spirit.

I have been exposed to every type of attack and evil abuse and torment from both human and angels, but if I do not believe in the power of God and Christ as a creator and sanctifier of the human heart and mind, I would be faithless, unforgiving and condemning human beings, and forever branded with 666, the mark of the image of the beast and his order. So those who sink or choose not to take up their cross and overcome by the power of the triune God, also here, deny Christ, The Father and also The Holy Spirit, and His title and kingdom, and hence would not inherit the New earth. They then also deny the everlasting promise, they deny the everlasting covenant, they deny the everlasting gospel to all mankind regardless of race, nation, gender, birth, status. They deny the way and cross of Jesus Christ, they deny the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the life and resurrection He can provide in every single human hearts and minds out there. If we deny God and His kingdom, then surely we will not inherit it! How long does it take for God to create a tree? A flower? Versus that of recreating a sinful, unsanctified human heart? To recreate a sinful human heart and mind takes a long time, and it involve a cooperation and relationship between the Creator and creation. Jesus Christ can never force anyone to choose His way of the cross, to be sanctified and redeemed, having their demons handed over to Him and purified in the fire of afflictions. It involve trust and faith in order to do that. It involve that the human being must renew their allegiance daily, and particularly after tough challenges, when the road gets really narrow. It takes God a few seconds to perform physical miracles and to create the physical, whether a tree, a flower or to heal a person from a physical illness. However, it takes years to recreate a person’s character (heart and mind). Physical healings are possible without faith in God, and can be counterfeited easily by the counterfeit “god”, this world and its magicians, healers and benefactors.

True spiritual healing is however only possible by the grace of God through faith, by the only way of the cross of Jesus Christ.

Hence why the last battle, the last great controversy is about spiritual healing where also Satan and this world come with its counterfeits, all because like vampires they do everything in their power to flee and escape the cross.


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