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From 666 - 777. Part 3. Three unclean spirits like frogs and "Can a leopard change his stripes?"

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 26. sep. 2022


(Revelation 16:13-14) Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.

“Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.”

Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon

Three unclean spirits like frogs.

They are unclean. They also see things from a frogs' perspective. Meaning from a lower, earthly perspective of the lower order. The old, immature, fallen order. A worldly perspective or an immature, or fallen Christian perspective. Still filled significantly with the wine of Babylon = unclean blood, blood of self/this world's righteousness, not the righteousness of Christ.

Thus their works and magic (miracles) might be impressive to those who are kings and queens of the old, fallen order of Babylon, who walk by sight, hence they fall for it and wander after the dragon, the beast and the false prophet (666). Relying on or giving credit to the temporal, to creation rather than the creator, God and His spiritual kingdom in terms of salvation. That is by grace (spiritual power from the holy triune God) through faith in the higher, everlasting Lord, Jesus Christ.

Every human being start of as immature, in a fallen human state. Hence we need to go through a sanctification from the lower and immature to the higher, mature. That is according to the standard and measurement of God, not of the philosophies and psychologies of the world. But of the word and spirit of God, and present day truth for this time.

Characteristics of the old, immature, lower order: law of the letter/stone, literal, physical, apparent, sensual, shallower, external

Characteristics of the new, mature, higher order: law of the spirit, spiritual, inner, invisible, deeper Christ is lord over the physical, but more so the spiritual. So He is lord over both. But His priority is always 1. Spiritual 2. Physical/apparent Satan is only lord over the literal, physical kingdom

Since Satan knows this he has come up with a counterfeit religion(s) in the last days: particularly modern spiritualism, which has crept into the Christian churches to some degree, in which he claims to be lord also over the spiritual. But his form of spiritual is still too shallow and too far out in the outer layers, both to the left and right, compared to the present truth of true Christianity, which is the advanced three angel’s messages. And Christ's higher versions of love, joy, justice, wisdom and law is also still lower compared to the higher versions from Christ. Even humor.

A LEOPARD THAT CAN NOT CHANGE HIS SPOTS “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.”

Jeremiah 13:23

A leopard that can not change his spots.

In connection to the law and order, the character for the beast: Those who refuse to move forward, from the old to the new, and get stuck as an Old (unsanctified) human under the ruler of the old kingdom =old, immature (fallen) law, covenant and order. So again, we are dealing with a choice here. The law, spirit = character of the beast, is a stagnant and a character trait that no humans are forced or have to become stuck under. All have been given a choice.

But notice, we can not change our own character and nature, we need to be sanctified by God, in His education and way of the cross, and have our transgression pardoned by the atonement of Christ. Hence it is by grace through faith we can be changed from the image of the beast, to the image of God.

"Choose ye this day, whom ye will serve" -Joshuah 24:15


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