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Two benefactors. Two Straight messages. Which one do you choose?

Oppdatert: 5. jun. 2023

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Two Benefactors Alternative 1. The False (Babylonian) Christ:

-represent a counterfeit way, advancing in the school of this life. Advancing in the shallower layers. The physical, but also mental. Focus on talents that are more concerned with his kingdom, while neglecting completely that which represent the work of righteousness that are in harmony with the kingdom of Christ. Which can only be produced by spiritual power from God through faith. Here timing is also important. Advancing in the wisdom that represent this world and spiritualism. Works of the flesh. Focusing largely on higher energies/vibrations. Which is joy only according to the standard of this world. hence self righteousness. Represent many ways to salvation. -One being a strong focus on energy work: physical energies/vibrations in order to be able to ascend (saved), to advance further from lower to higher dimensions (Note that this has to do with physical energies, as the true Christ has a true alternative to this which has spiritual energy and another form of advancing to higher dimensions. These are two different forms of dimensions). Satan do not care if it is by modern spiritualism or if it is by a false gospel, concealed as Christianity. The latter is the most deceptive. He also represent cheap/one sided grace: as if one is saved in sin, not from sin. So works of the flesh/world and cheap grace seem to be the main roads to salvation coming from the Antichrist and the prince of this world. In addition he also represent getting stuck in a limited truth, in tradition.

This is to walk by sight by what is natural according to the flesh and this physical, apparent kingdom, not by faith according to the ways and standards of the true Christ and His everlasting, spiritual kingdom. Hence self-righteousness or justice according to a different standard than the more mature truth: the advanced three angel’s messages. (But remember that one is judged according to how much light the individual has available within their reach). According to Ellen White, Satan will provide energies and talents/abilities to his subjects. Remember that they will recognize him a savior, even that of Christ himself. This include all those who professed to be Christians, but chose not to be sanctified by the advancing truth when it was made accessible within their reach.

She also state more than 100 years ago that Satan will advance and perfect his sciences and religion in the last days. The Bible states in Revelation 13:13, that he will receive much power as if to make fire come down in the sight of men. Note that this is an example of the abilities and miracles that have previously been recognized as being from God, as if it was an evidence of it being from the highest God. Read 1 Kings chapter 18 in the story of Elijah on Carmel. He and his subjects will receive abilities and powers that are further advanced compared to any previous era in the history of mankind. So great that he will now believe that he has become god, taken the throne and that he and his religion/philosophies rule the Universe! EGW: "Even Satan himself is converted after the modern order of things."

From Great Controversy chapter. 36 Think spiritualism and fallen Christianity. The false left behind/ascension /rapture scenario. But also those who rely heavily on their physical health for salvation.

He has mingled his theories from spiritualism into the Christian churches. He present himself now as Christ. And most will buy into it. By works of the flesh or cheap grace (saved in sin and a limited truth). All belong under the old, immature, now fallen law, covenant and order, where Satan now is lord.

Alternative 2.

The True Christ of the advanced 3 Angel’s messages - represent inner work which is in harmony with His kingdom, FIRST, then that which represent the physical kingdom second. Notice that the inner work should be in accordance with Christ's sanctification, His path of the cross. Hence we need to reason together with the Lord and become filled with his holy Law and spirit, in order to succeed. By grace from God through faith. The true Christ will try to pull us out of the mire, away from this earth, and onward, upward, inward toward his kingdom. Here a right main focus vs lesser focus, also according to the time and circumstance. Here one must be willing to sacrifice the fleshly, the temporary, even if it offers temporary discomfort and pain. One recognizes God's deeper, higher form of joy that is not dependent on high physical energies. This does not mean that it is insignificant, but one should be willing to go through the narrow gate, which is often a painful process, so that one will walk first by faith, not by feelings first. Thus we must learn to walk by faith, filled with the law and the spirit of God. This is to walk under the banner of the new, mature, everlasting order of the higher, everlasting Lord, Jesus Christ. Hence advancing in the sanctification of Christ and being filled increasingly with the righteousness of Christ.

Two alternatives of a straight testimony being preached in the present.

Alternative 1. (in short, although there are some slight variations out there) An extreme focus on the health message. Likens the use of necessary medications and vaccines to witchcraft and even loss of salvation. Strong focus on the physical temple, physical miracles and blessings.

Close to the same teachings as modern Spiritualism with regard to the focus of importance of physical strength/energies. They claim to teach salvation by grace through faith, but expose their unbelief in the next sentence. For "if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace." Romans 11:6

" For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."

Romans 14:16 So we have works of the flesh for salvation. High importance of building a strong immune system to be saved.= Circumcision/Salvation of the outward flesh, rather than the inward man = heart/mind. Romans 2:28-29. 2. Cor 4:16-18. Ephesians 3:16. Ephesians 2 This reliance on the temporal body, on physical strength as highly important to be saved is an abomination and contrary to the everlasting gospel of being saved by spiritual power (grace) through faith and atonement for repented sins. It connect them to the false Christ, not the true, everlasting lord of the 3 Angel’s messages. This is to be under the old, immature, law, covenant and order. Under the banner of the prince of this old world/ physical kingdom/the false/Babylonian Christ. Alternative 2: Preaching the way of the cross. The straight and narrow path = the straight testimony. Crucifying the flesh and the world. The everlasting gospel. Salvation and sanctification by grace through faith. Main focus on the spiritual kingdom. Physical kingdom and the physical flesh is on second place. Regards the spiritual temple (heart and mind), blessings, miracles and sacrifices as of higher importance than the physical. Emphasis on walking by faith, not by sight. Priority:

1. Creator. Spiritual kingdom

2. Creation. Physical kingdom Preach and focus on the health message, but leave room for the use of medications if needed. They identify the health message as not a part of the 3 angels’ messages and not part of the everlasting gospel, only connected to it. Identify witchcraft as the Bible identify it. To rely on the works of the flesh for salvation, and an obsession/worship of the things that represent the righteousness according to the flesh and spirit of this world. Hence being under the control/spell of the prince of this world. Contrasting the righteousness (wisdom, love, joy, justice etc) of Christ/God with that of the world and Babylon = fallen churches and religions.

Righteousness/ salvation/ justification/ sanctification by grace through faith. The law of Christ by faith. The new, mature, everlasting law, covenant and order. Under the banner of the higher, everlasting lord and master of the true Jesus Christ.

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