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Why God allow evil to run its course for a limited period of time. Part 1.

Oppdatert: 21. okt. 2021

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In the beginning…

Genesis 1:1 The Spirit of God = Creator. Invisible. Yet, God was Love. His kingdom, His law, His spirit, His character = Divine Love. Since the Father and Son, the begotten Son, is love, they created “creation” Angels, mankind, animals, nature. Creation represent the “seen”, the observable, the apparent. Creation comes in second place. Always below the creator in hierarchy and authority and priority. Angels and then mankind is highest up in the hierarchy of created beings. Same goes for what creation represent. The Bible states in Hebrews 2:-11 "But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. In bringing many sons and daughters to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through what he suffered. Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters." "and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord."Hebrews 12:14, So here we see from the word of God that one of the reasons He allow for these 6000 years + to transpire, is because of the nature of His Law and character of Divine Love. He wanted a fellowship, a family. And He knows since the beginning that only those who are pure and holy and have one faith, and filled with the same law and character, could ever be united as one. Or else we have hell. It is the only way in which everlasting joy and love could ever have been achieved. And every single soul, both angel and man, has been given a choice. Everyone has received the gift of choosing Christ's sanctification, and His path towards righteousness.

Christ was the only begotten Son of the Father. But the Bible says that the Father wanted many sons. So maybe the cross was the only way this could happen? For all who will be heirs on this earth made new. It meant a sacrifice to some degree for all. The fallen did not deserve grace and salvation, and the way of the cross was a gift from God. But the gift we receive still means that we sacrifice the self and the world. However the path of the cross is a gift we receive from God, and we can only receive grace and produce fruits of righteousness by the creative power of God because of the sanctification. The Father gave His only begotten Son as a sacrifice, and Christ gave Himself, and truly risked His throne in heaven during His mission on earth. It was the Father and the Son who were perfect and unfallen who did not need to sacrifice anything, who first made these great sacrifices for the sake of creation. They did so solely out of selfless love for creation. As for the angels who never fell, they did not have to embark on the journey of the cross, but it still involved much work and suffering for them too. Having to leave their Father in heaven and come down here to observe all the evil and stupidity among the fallen, and offer us support, help and guidance. And often experiencing the rejection and ungratefulness for those they try to assist and help. This is also the case for the Father and the Son, and also to the servants of God of the human family, when they advance and mature on their path. Without this experience perhaps the possibility of a family, a community of sacred beings, could perhaps not have existed for all eternity? For when the most perfect of all created angels could fall to this degree, what would have prevented more of the holy angels from falling sooner or later? So perhaps the law of God had to be demonstrated, so that the created beings could truly trust God as the sovereign Lord, and his law and government as holy and just.

It is only by God and His grace that creation can become and remain filled with His divine love and righteousness. Our hearts and minds must be thoroughly tested and cleansed in the sanctification of Christ, and by His sacrifice and gift of salvation, so that God can trust that we will never be the cause of the sin virus to reappear, after the Day of Judgment, where sin will be removed from the Universe. Notice also that Jesus walked the path of the cross, which we must also walk, even though He went through the most suffering of all and without sin. But He also suffered death for our sins, so that we might escape the penalty we all deserve, which is the second death. We can only love and produce fruits of righteousness, including self-sacrifice, by God loving us first, and by His grace. So everything is entirely of Him and by Him, even if we must choose to believe in and cooperate with God and embark on, and endure, the path He has prepared for us. And all creatures, both angels and humans, have been given the opportunity to become part of the heavenly community. By choosing the true light and living up to it, whether they have received little or much. God will demand more from those who have received more light, compared to those who have received little. In this way, all kindreds will have had an opportunity and choice to receive light and become the children of light. (Romans 2:13-16). “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.“

- John 3:16 Since love is free, it must be chosen. Since creation is not infallible and imperfect compared to the Creator who is infallible and perfect, evil entered. Pride in creation entered through the angel of Lucifer. Lucifer, the highest angel in heaven after Christ, managed to get 1/3 of creation on his side in his rebellion against God. He and the rest of the fallen angels were cast out of heaven, because they did not repent of their disobedience and rebellion. Lucifer became Satan, who represent the prince/s of this world, was allowed to demonstrate his law and philosophy here on this earth. Notice that the kings and princes of this world means every single person, who do not repent. Remember that the king of Babylon, Nebudchadnezzar repented of his pride and was saved. Every person who set themselves up on the same level as God, as equal as the creator, think they are a king = god in themselves, by default. Even if they do not believe in a god, they still worship creation and do not acknowledge a God, creator, as supreme, far above creation. Christians are also in danger here, if they see truth who represent Christ and God, as limited. They by default think God and His truths has finite limitations, hence making God into a small god, which is Satan or creation.

That being said, when we take the path of sanctification, in order to become partakers of the divine nature, this does not mean we become gods, but that we can become sons and daughters of God. Because we are being raised, educated by Him, in His divine school of righteousness. Christ stepped down from his throne and put on the nature of man, while still being God in His inner nature ( by grace = power from the holy spirit of God, through faith), in order to show us the divine pattern. Divinity and humanity combined.

His way is the way of the cross, crucifying the law of the flesh, of walking by sight, rather than faith. God command us to follow in the footsteps of our master, Jesus Christ, and crucify our flesh. This is the path of holiness. If we advance on this path, and pass through various tests and trials, we will draw closer to God and the heart of Christ. That means that we will have to taste many of the same sorrows that Christ had to taste when confronted with the heart of creation (mankind) without the spirit of God. We will have to drink this bitter cup of crucifying the spirit of the flesh, also in order to understand better the law and character of God. In order to understand what divine love is, we will have to experience being confronted with the absence of divine love, or experiencing the contrast between the worldly, counterfeit versions of love, joy and justice, to know the great contrast. In this way, we will learn to hate the spirit of this world, and learn to love God and Christ, the creator and the law of God. We will have to go through boredom, loneliness, suffering, mundaneness, all these experiences and states that is a consequence of being confronted with the spirit of this world, so we will long for Christ, The spirit of this world will always try to pull you back and away from God and heaven. They will always try to drag you to hell, which is this world, and the hearts and minds of creation not imbued with the spirit of God. So it is strictly necessary to pass through these negative experiences in order for us to hate sin and the spirit of this world so much, that we will eventually be safe not to allow sin to arise a second time, on the earth created anew. So a perfect hatred of evil and sin according to the standards of God. Evil in the sight of the Lord”. Because this world will call good evil and evil for good. Flip darkness into light and light into darkness. Attempting to turn God into Satan, and Satan into God. The beast will seek to change times and laws… "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time". Daniel 7:25 That is the law of God. This we see exemplified in the 4th commandment of the Sabbath. Where the commandment that specify God as the creator, and his area of authority and rulership, has been changed from the 7th Day (7 represent perfection and God) to the first day, without any authority from the creator, which transfer the authority be default to creation. Hence a symbol of worshipping the creation over the creator.

To state that there is no difference in emphasis and value with regards to the outer and inner man, is (almost) the same as to say there is no difference with regard to the priority of the first and second great commandments of Christ. 1. Love for God (the creator). Unseen. Everlasting. Heavenly. Creator.

2. Seen. Temporary. Earthly. Creation. Same sin.

Satan /the spirit of this world, the king of Babylon, the beast, try to EQUAL the 1st and the 2nd great commandment. By doing this he try to equal creation with the creator. Himself as God. His purpose all this time....

"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." Hebrew 11:3 The Old, immature law and covenant represent the seen, hence a fallen law, after light came and there was a shift from the old to the new order of Christ. The new light, is not new, but has existed since the beginning of time. It just reveal God, which is the Truth and the light, gradually. Because of sin, and because the law of God is based on divine love, which is free and by choice, it was inevitable that we would have to be presented with darkness and sin for a period of time, so we can walk from immaturity (darkness) to maturity (light). This new law and covenant, represent the law of faith and of the spirit. This is to walk, not by sight, but by the unseen (faith), which is of everlasting value.

So, during the old economy, under the old order, we see God reaching out to mankind (creation) in a more visible, and literal sense. The miracles are more of a physical, apparent nature. Literal fire, literal parting of the sea, more focused on physical healing. The voice of God was more literal, audible. As time progress, and particularly after the death of Christ, which mark a significant shift from the old to the new law/order, we see a shift from the ceremonial, external and apparent, literal and physical, of temporal value, to the spiritual, the inner, the unseen, the deeper, of everlasting value. 2. Corinthians 4:16-18. Christ when he came to this world as a human, was God, not in his outer nature, the flesh, but the inner. In His heart and mind, by having the word and law of God perfectly written on His heart by a full measure of the holy spirit. Hence His character was God. The character of God is divine love.

Christ, the Son of God is also represented by the new, or the mature, everlasting covenant: the unseen, the deeper, the spiritual, the everlasting. Creation of itself is represented by the seen, the literal, the shallower, the smaller, the temporal. So creation /mankind must be united with the divine in order to receive the divine nature (character) and everlasting life. In these two great commandments are seen the unity of the divine with the human. Christ represent this unity. God incarnate in the flesh, in humanity. He was the son of Man and the son of God, perfectly. God incarnated.

In order to receive the literal kingdom of God, the new earth, we will have to be born again and receive the new man and thus become sons and daughters of God, through his Son, Jesus Christ. We must first receive His spiritual kingdom which is by grace (spirit) through faith. This is to walk by faith, in the unseen, rather than to walk by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we live by faith, not by sight.") In order to receive the new earth through His Son, we must first receive God through His holy spirit. This is why this is a test now towards the latter end of the age, more than ever before in the history of this earth. Because the Christian church moves gradually closer to God, by His spirit. From the old to the new covenant. Also individually, in the sanctification process, we go from immaturity to maturity. The shaking of the church, represent the end of the created: that is the end of creation without the divine nature, without God.

At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.”[The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.”[Hebrews 12:26-29

Nazism, Socialism and humanism (and also the left and the right in the churches) represent love for creation, not for the creator. They are united with creation, the prince of this world who represent the fallen nature (creation without God). Hence they get stuck to this world, this earth, and creation without God. United under the banner of the prince of this world. Entire series: "Character of God. Defended"


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