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Why God allow evil to run its course for a limited period of time. Part 3.

Oppdatert: 13. okt. 2021

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Two ways. Two alternatives. The false, Babylonian “Christ” Satan vs. the true Christ. Alternative 1 While Christ and His Father (who are one in character) could never be happy knowing even one of his creation would suffer in a never-ceasing torment. Yet God allow for temporal suffering (the cross) but for a good purpose, to completely end never ending misery/torment for all.

Christ represent temporary suffering for the sake of everlasting love and to create everlasting joy for all who choose His way and gospel. And a final end to all suffering for every single being in the Universe.

Alternative 2 Satan represent a god that would allow for eternal suffering. Even if it should be just one person, it would be completely sadistic and satanic. No loving God would tolerate the thought of one single person or creation to live in never ending torment. His new age, spiritualistic religion, the philosophy of yin and yang would mean that at least one creature would have to live in unbearable endless suffering and conscious torment, for the rest to be able to ascend and increase their “happy” energies and frequencies. That is the philosophy and consequence of the yin yang philosophy and the law of attraction. It may seem good and “happy” on the surface and from a frog’s temporal, worldly perspective, but beneath the surface it becomes darker and darker and darker, like a bottomless pit of evil, the more layers you start to peel off.

Lucifer /Satan represent temporal and /or lower form a joy and love and everlasting suffering for some in order for him and his followers. Notice that also Lucifer/Satan has had a choice to choose the way of Christ, yet he chose the way of complete selfishness, selfish, sadistic “joy” with the consequence of having some living in endless suffering. The difference in the way, nature and moral character of Christ and Satan could not be further apart.


So when Lucifer/Satan think and how he can persuade the Father by every conceivable argument and demonstration to support his way, the gospel and way of the Antichrist, his doctrines and law and government, over that of Christ, it would mean that God the Father would choose to become evil, satanic, a sadist, a monster, ceasing to be love, to reject His own law and kingdom, to reject and permanently destroy and obliterate His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ and all the holy angels and saints, and rather choose the fallen (both angels and humans). God would have to disregard and give up His holy character, the character of the holy trinity, 777 and become perfectly filled with the unholy trinity, 666, like Satan has at this point in time. The Holy Heavenly Father, the creator, would have to become as fallen as the most fallen of all creation. Noone is as evil as the one who has had most light and fall to the bottom. It would mean that He would become the most fallen of all, even further fallen than Satan, as He is the highest, the Creator, while Satan was the highest of creation. He would then surpass Satan himself in terms of sadism and evil moral character, completely destroying the image of God.

The rainbow - a symbol of God's character. He is divine love and multidimensional. So maybe the fact that God the Father wanted "many sons", as stated in Scriptures, is a natural fruit of His character which is also His law. And maybe Christ, the begotten Son also wanted many brothers, since He is the same in character and mind as His Father. Hence they both wanted a large family, society. In order for this to happen due to free choice given to creation, and because creation, both some angels and all humankind disobeyed God, which resulted in Him having to allow for temporal suffering, in order for sin and evil and the way, law and spirit of self and the lower world to demonstrate its fruits of unrighteousness. Or else creation would at some point serve the Creator due to fear and become distrusting of His character and government. And the only other alternative is everlasting suffering for some and lesser versions of joy, love, wisdom and so on for others, which is evil and Satan's way. Which would mean destruction of the image and government of God. It would mean that god would go from love divine to a sadistic monster. But I have faith in that God would never do something as monstrous. Lesser evil for a period by their choice, with a final obliteration of evil for all after a limited period. Christ's way also involved sacrifices, and the highest sacrifices was for the creator: both Father and Son. But this also served to demonstrate the law and character of God, of divine love, perfectly. Not that it made the sacrifices any less painful though. But it also require a cross and sacrifice for the human race in order to be redeemed, the two sides of the cross. Trusting in the sacrifice of the Creator for their own transgressions, and taking up their own cross in order to be redeemed from human sinful nature, by grace through faith.

The Father and Son did not deserve it, yet had to make the most costly sacrifices, while sinful mankind who has all transgressed do.

Two saviors/benefactors and ways to eternal joy presented:

Alternative 1. Christ's way.

Thie way represent true selflessness, from an everlasting perspective and everlasting, divine love, joy, wisdom. The Father and Son, and the saints committed holy sacrifices, without destroying the image, law or character of God.

Alternative 2. Lucifer/ Satan's way

This way represent the selfish way, and the lower versions of love, joy, wisdom. And include unholy "sacrifice", or rather total destruction and blasphemy of the image, law and character of God, both by creation, but worst of all by the Creator, God, who would have had to become a complete sadistic monster and worse than Satan himself. Entire series: "Character of God. Defended"


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