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Why God allow evil to run its course for a limited period of time. Part 4.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 13. okt. 2021

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The new birth and the fruit of righteousness is born out of pain, as in a child birth, by receiving Christ and His spirit and Law inside us. Trials and affliction is part of the path of righteousness. Even Christ was perfected through suffering. "For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings." Hebrews 2:10 Fruit is a type of creation, the result of creative power. This power can only come from two sources: good (God)=righteous and holy. Or evil (Satan). The magic of this world and its prince, is of a shallower nature. It is bound to creation, bound to the fallen angel if you will. While the magic of God is of a deeper, and higher and purer nature. To God, the word is of highest priority. It comes first. That does not mean there is no room for other types of “creations”, like song and music, design and so on. When we advance in the sanctification from immaturity (walking according to the law and spirit of the flesh) to increased maturity (walking according to faith, by the spirit), the words we speak, the music we listen to etc, will become more in harmony with the mature law, the kingdom of God. This may sound like liberalism, but in reality it is balanced, hence, centered, slightly bent towards the left, where the heart is.

The new birth can only occur by being raised by God in His process, and divine education that involve both blessings and suffering (fiery trials). Hence we receive His creative power. So it is not of ourselves, our own spirit, lest anyone should boast.

The new birth happens gradually and is formed in the secret place, which is the heart and mind, a place where man and Satan are not allowed to destroy if we abide in Christ. (Matthew 10:28). This process can be hastened by going through increased trials and tribulations in periods. Given that we do not reject God and the process of suffering, and that we are educated by it. Note that we are not to provoke our own suffering, but that we are generally not to run away from the testing and trial when it arrives. Both theory and experience and required in order to learn to walk according to the spirit of God. In the final stages of the history of this earth, we experience greater periods of testing and tribulations, which means we can advance faster, and hence receive a fuller measure of the holy spirit. Here, prayer and meditation every day is crucial in order to connect with God, with the divine, and receive the divine nature.

"we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." - Acts 14:22

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11 Fruit of the flesh, born from below (earthly parent. From the womb which is located below the heart). Also symbolic for that which is born from the law and spirit of the flesh. It is earthly, fleshly, it is sensual, hence to "walk by sight". This means our senses.

What sense do we need?

Fruit of righteousness: born from above, by a heavenly parent, by the spirit, from the heart and mind. This represent the faith of Christ, the word/law of God in our hearts. Our character. The 7th sense, the holy spirit of God. By praying and walking the walk.

Our words (verbal and written) express that which comes from our innermost soul. The words that come from righteousness is born by being birthed in the path of righteousness. By the spirit of God. This path include education and chastening by God (fiery trials: hence the new birth takes place as a result of this pain. Like pain is associated with childbirth). Even Christ was perfected through suffering. Read the entire chapter of Hebrews 12. Note: To the world who saw everything from their earthly perspective, through their senses, walking by sight, not faith by the spirit, interpret everything upside down. To the world and the immature Christian it is senseless. But to those are undergo the new birth, and mature, it is everything.

When Christ appeared to lose... He won.

The world, the church, even the disciples did not comprehend it. So it is today, for every follower who take the same path and partake in the sufferings of Christ. Do we hear this message preached today? Rarely. Yet it is very much in the Bible. It is the way of Christ buried deep beneath the surface of all the shallowness in this world. And the churches, who present the way as the spiritualists, decorated with flowers. Which is the broad path that leads to destruction.

"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death." Proverbs 14:12 Why? Because they walk by sight = how things appear like. Rather than by faith. In order for the creator and His law to continue existing with perfect peace and joy, Creation must also continue existing. In order for creation to continue existing, the character, law and kingdom of God must be tested and demonstrated, in order for creation to be able to make a choice. As a requirement for His law is freedom and hence a free choice. God is love and true love must be chosen.

Disobedience was inevitable and had to arise at some point in time. Since God and Satan can not co-exist, Satan was cast out of heaven due to disobedience, out of free will. Same with 1/3 of all the angels. They were cast down to this earth. Mankind was given a free choice, to listen to and obey God and His wisdom or Satan and his wisdom. Yet they disobeyed God, hence the fall of mankind and the entrance of the virus of sin. Mankind was cast out of the garden of Eden, and suffering and death was introduced.

Then we see the church going through a long wilderness experience, from darkness (under the old, immature law and order) to increased light (new, mature law and order), with the first coming and mission of Jesus Christ. His death, burial and resurrection. His sacrifice to all mankind, and his perfect sanctification (albeit free of sin) to save humankind from everlasting death, and to be able to become reunited with God and heaven. By being justified and sanctified by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Hence recreated in the image of God. In order for true peace and happiness to remain, in order for the law of God, of Divine love. 1. Love for the Creator (God) 2. Love for creation, to exist, it had to happen this way. When we behold the cross, we see the law and character of God perfectly demonstrated. When the Father sacrificed His only begotten Son, and the Son sacrificing himself, for the sake of the whole world, the entire Universe, for all of creation. For all of us… There was, and is no other way, except the narrow way, the way of the cross. The way the truth and the life, Jesus Christ. The way and law of love Divine. The law of Christ, by faith through grace. This is also the, new, mature, everlasting covenant. The full, mature law and order of His heavenly kingdom and of the new earth, with Christ as our High priest, king of kings and lord of lords. Entire series: "Character of God. Defended"


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