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Why God allow suffering for a limited period of time. Part 5.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

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But even though we see how the cross and suffering was necessary for a time, it was only necessary because creation rebelled against the government of God.

In God’s way, nobody would have had to suffer in the first place, if only all of creation would have chosen to be obedient to Him and His government, and trust and love the Creator first.

In heaven everything was perfect joy and harmony, until Lucifer rebelled against the most High God, the Creator of all.

So.... the only reason God does allow suffering for a limited period of time, is because even the very highest and most perfect of all creation, chose not to.

While in the way of the one who rebelled most and most persistently, without repenting, and with least of an excuse, who became the great rebel leader, would require that at least one being would have to be taken hostage and suffer unspeakable, ever increasingly torment endlessly, because of his sin, for his own pleasure. While still claiming his way is superior and the least evil and for the good of all.

He was a liar since iniquity was found in him and his lies has only multiplied over thousands of years, and same goes for all his traits of evil. While the perfect goodness of God remains unshaken...

Our “Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”


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